Elizabeth Mann1,2
F, #74067, d. before 1744
| Elizabeth Mann was the daughter of Nathaniel Mann and Deborah (Nee?) Mann. |
Note* | Widow of Jonathan Bull when she married Barrett Dyer. Twin sister, Sarah. Marriage dates of 21 Dec 1730 and 21 Sep 1730. [WAD] ============================================== Page 367 At a Meeting of the Boston Select Men, Novr. 24. 1742. Mr. Ebenezer Winborn appeared in behalf of the Widow Dyer & Desired hemight be Impowered in her behalf to receive the Bull money of theInhabitants of the Town. ============================================== Page 246 At a Meeting of the Boston Select men, June 30, 1740. [330.] On Fryday last the 27th. of June Current, The Select men met atBulls Wharf, the lower end of Summer Street, upon the Desire of mrs.(???) Dyre and run the line between the Town and Said Dyre, and Stakedout the High Way, taking the Measure from the Well on the North Side ofthe said High Way, which is agreeable to the Record thereof made in theYear, 1683. ================================================ Page 340 At a Meeting of the Boston Select Men, April 28th. 1742. Information being given that mrs. Dyar had [232.] removed her Fence Threefeet into Sea Street near Bulls Wharf She being sent for appeared &Promised to remove the same back again to the place where it Stood before. |
Marriage* | Elizabeth Mann married Barrett Dyer, son of Samuel Dyer and Anne Hutchinson, on 21 September 1730, in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts .3 |
Death* | Elizabeth Mann died before 1744. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940). Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1368] Wm. H. Whitmore, Records of Boston Selectmen, 1736-1742 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Rockwell & Churchill, City Printers, 1886), 246, 340, 367. Hereinafter cited as Records of Boston Selectmen, 1736-1742.
- [S1559] Unknown spouses' names, (unknown date), Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850, FTM CD 231 unknown manuscript info. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850.
Elizabeth Pearl Mann
F, #22062, b. 14 December 1928, d. 15 May 2020
Elizabeth "Pearl" (Mann) Clark 1928-2020.
Name-Com | Elizabeth Pearl Mann is commonly known as Pearl Mann.1 |
Birth* | She was born on 14 December 1928 in Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1 |
| She was the daughter of Leslie Archibald Mann and Bertha Jane Watts. |
Marriage* | Elizabeth Pearl Mann married Kenneth Walker Clark, son of Frederick Hughes Clark and Ethel May Walker, on 16 August 1946, in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .2 |
Death* | Elizabeth Pearl Mann died on 15 May 2020, at age 91, in Andrews of Stratford, Stratford, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1 |
(Interred) Burial | She was buried in the plot of Kenneth Walker Clark, in the Peoples Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.44809,-63.62874 . Rectangular black marble stone. Inscription: In Loving Memory / Clark / Kenneth Walker Clark / 1925 - 1997 / His Wife / Elizabeth Pearl Mann / 1928 - 2020 Back: CLARK.2
- [S15204] Death Notice ~ Pearl Clark, Davison Funeral Home, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
- [S2704] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Kenneth Walker Clark & Elizabeth Pearl Mann, tombstone inscription & photograph(s); documented by David A. Walker, 14 August 2006.
Esther Mann1
F, #110897
- [S13720] Arthur Knowles, "Descendants of Joseph Farrow & Judith Partridge" (Australia). . Hereinafter cited as "Descendants of Joseph Farrow & Judith Partridge."
John Mann1
M, #72144, b. circa 1834, d. 5 December 1905
Birth* | John Mann was born circa 1834 in Irishtown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island .1,2 |
Marriage* | He married Elizabeth Moase, daughter of Henry Moase and Sarah Elizabeth Dickieson.2 |
Death* | John Mann died on 5 December 1905.2 |
Burial* | He was buried in St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.43820,-63.63428 . Inscription: In memory of / Elizabeth Moase / Beloved Wife of / John Mann / Died / March 3, 1894 / ÆT. 47 Years Left: In / Memory of / John Mann / Died / Dec. 5, 1905 / ÆT. 71.2
 Tombstone, Elizabeth Moase (1847-1894), her husband John Mann (1834-1905). St. Mark's Anglican Church Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Front inscription detail.  Left inscription detail. |
- [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
- [S13159] Cemetery Marker, St. Mark's Anglican Church Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. John Mann & Elizabeth Moase, tombstone inscription & photograph; read by David A. Walker.
Leslie Archibald Mann1
M, #24339, b. 8 September 1892, d. 10 December 1974
- [S16537] Marker, Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Leslie Archibald Mann & Bertha Jane Watts, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker.
- [S15204] Death Notice ~ Pearl Clark, Davison Funeral Home, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Mary Mann1
F, #74610, b. 1640, d. after 1710
- [S1349] John Osborne Austin, Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Gen. Publishing Co. Inc., reprinted 1978, 1887). Hereinafter cited as Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island.
- [S1404] George Burton Thayer, Thayer and Burton Ancestry (Hartford Connecticut, U.S.A.: Press of the Plimpton Mfg. Co., 1894). Hereinafter cited as Thayer and Burton Ancestry.
Matilda Mann1,2
F, #103817, b. circa 1826, d. 17 November 1904
Birth* | Matilda Mann was born circa 1826.2 |
Marriage* | She married William Paynter.1 |
Death* | Matilda Mann died on 17 November 1904.2 |
Burial* | She was buried in St. Thomas Anglican Church Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.49835,-63.50692 . Inscription: In Loving / Memory of / William Paynter / Died / Apr. 29, 1904 / Aged 85. / Also His / Beloved Wife / Matilda Mann / Died / Nov. 17, 1904, / Aged 78.2,3
 Cemetery Marker: William Paynter (c1819-1904), his wife Matilda Mann (c1826-1904). St. Thomas Anglican Church Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Front inscription detail. |
- [S8609] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, St. Mark's Anglican Church, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 2, Page 59, (18 July 1855). Hereinafter cited as PARO Baptismal Index.
- [S11954] Cemetery Transcript, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, transcription, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Vol. 21-1 (2000) Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker.
- [S14600] Cemetery marker, St. Thomas Anglican Church Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. William Paynter & Matilda Mann, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 2 September 2019.
Maud Mann1 
F, #105607, b. 1513, d. 1558
Birth* | Maud Mann was born in 1513.1 |
Marriage* | She married William Brewster.1 |
Death* | Maud Mann died in 1558.1 |
William Mann1
M, #74636, d. 1650
- [S1406] John Osborne Austin, Ancestry of Thirty-Three Rhode Islanders Born in the 18th Century (Albany, New York, U.S.A.: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1889). Hereinafter cited as Ancestry of Thirty-Three Rhode Islanders.
George Manners1
M, #94250, b. circa 1465, d. 23 October 1513
- [S2175] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (www.familysearch.org, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.: Church of Latter Day Saints).
- [S2298] LDS, online www.familysearch.org. (Salt Lake City), downloaded v.4.19.
John Manners1
M, #94314, b. circa 1395, d. 6 September 1438
- [S2298] LDS, online www.familysearch.org. (Salt Lake City), downloaded v.4.19.
John Manners1
M, #94316, b. circa 1354, d. before 1403
Child of John Manners and Alice
- [S2298] LDS, online www.familysearch.org. (Salt Lake City), downloaded v.4.19.
Margaret Manners1 
F, #94251, b. circa 1505, d. after 27 jan 1558/59
- [S2175] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (www.familysearch.org, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.: Church of Latter Day Saints).
Robert Manners1
M, #94312, b. circa 1421, d. 1488
- [S2298] LDS, online www.familysearch.org. (Salt Lake City), downloaded v.4.19.
Sir Robert Manners Knight1 
M, #94310, b. circa 1447, d. 1495
- [S2298] LDS, online www.familysearch.org. (Salt Lake City), downloaded v.4.19.
Eino Manninen1
M, #86865, b. circa 1920
- [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.
Grace Caroline Manning1
F, #98759, b. circa 1887, d. 16 December 1922
- [S4799] Correspondence with Michael Clark, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
Kate Manning1
F, #72919, b. 2 June 1902
- [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
James Turner Manry
M, #4276
Christine Mans1
F, #59600, b. 14 March 1875, d. 23 July 1906
- [S1117] Sr. Ronald Paul Andring, "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records", Donald R. Coy, recipient (Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records."
- [S1211] "Rogers Family Reunion", The Indian Head - Wolseley News (11 August 1992). Hereinafter cited as "Rogers Family Reunion."
Heinrich Mans1
M, #59616, b. February 1796, d. 10 April 1865
- [S1117] Sr. Ronald Paul Andring, "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records", Donald R. Coy, recipient (Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records."
Jacob Mans1
M, #59601, b. 1821, d. 16 August 1875
Birth* | Jacob Mans was born in 1821.1 |
Marriage* | He married Katherine. |
Death* | Jacob Mans died on 16 August 1875.1 |
- [S1117] Sr. Ronald Paul Andring, "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records", Donald R. Coy, recipient (Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records."
Jean E. Mans1
M, #59614, b. 6 January 1836, d. 28 January 1914
- [S1117] Sr. Ronald Paul Andring, "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records", Donald R. Coy, recipient (Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records."
Margaret Mans1
F, #59598, b. 13 April 1867, d. 25 October 1946
- [S1117] Sr. Ronald Paul Andring, "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records", Donald R. Coy, recipient (Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Ronald Paul Andring, Sr., compiled records."
Boel Mansdotter1
F, #50565
- [S973] Illeen Mary ( Lebensburger-Monico) Coy and Roger Eugene Nelson, "Compiled Records - Illeen Mary ( Lebensburger-Monico) Coy and Roger Eugene Nelson" (9436 25th Ave. SW, Seattle,Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Compiled Records - Illeen Mary ( Lebensburger-Monico) Coy and Roger Eugene Nelson."
Alice Mansfield
F, #20611
Pearl Mansfield
F, #23693
David A. Manson1
M, #104098, b. circa 1873, d. 28 November 1928
Birth* | David A. Manson was born circa 1873.1 |
Marriage* | He married Rose Ella Currie, daughter of George E. Currie and Camilla Wallace.1 |
Death* | David A. Manson died on 28 November 1928.1 |
Burial* | He was buried in Nazarene & United Cemetery, Elmsdale, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.82203,-64.13691 . Inscription: MANSON / In Loving Memory of / David A. Manson / Died Nov. 28, 1928 / Aged 55 yrs. / His Wife / Rosella Currie / Died Sept. 24, 1953 / Aged 81 yrs.1 Tombstone, David A. Manson (1873-1928), his wife Rosella Currie (1871-1953). Nazarene & United Cemetery, Elmsdale, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. |
- [S8940] Cemetery marker, Nazarene & United Cemetery, Elmsdale, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. David A. Manson & Rosella Currie, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 19 September 2013.
Georgia Edith Manson
F, #18317, b. 11 February 1894, d. 1985
Name-Com | Georgia Edith Manson is commonly known as Georgia Manson.1 |
Birth* | She was born on 11 February 1894 in North Carleton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . |
| She was the daughter of John H. Manson and Mary Clark. |
Marriage* | Georgia Edith Manson married Eugene Maxwell Lefurgey, son of Henry Arnold Lefurgey and Annie Elizabeth Huestis, on 21 June 1916, in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . |
Death* | Georgia Edith Manson died in 1985.1 |
Burial* | She was buried in the Free Church of Scotland Cemetery, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.23858,-63.63146 . Inscription: In Memory of / Cornelius Lefurgey / Died Apr. 5, 1877, Aged 69. / His Wife / Elizabeth Matthews / Died Sept. 27, 1883, Aged 81 / Allison Lefurgey, / Died May 16, 1911, Aged 73. / Gone But Not Forgotten / LEFURGEY Right: Also His Wife / Elizabeth / 1845 - 1924 / Their Son / Arnold / 1862 - 1929 / His Wife / Annie E. Huestis / 1863 - 1951 Back: Their Son / 1897 Maxwell E. 1984 / His Wife / 1892 Georgia E. Manson 1985 / His Sister / 1902 Mildred L. Ford 1985 / Their Daughter / 1918 Helen M. Lefurgey 2010.1
 Tombstone, Cornelius Neil Lefurgey (1808-1877), his wife Elizabeth Matthews (1802-1883), their son Allison (1838-1910), his wife Elizabeth Lefurgey (1845-1924), their son Arnold (1862-1929), his wife Annie E. Huestis (1863-1951), their son Maxwell (1897-1984), his wife Georgia Manson (1892-1985), their daughter Helen (1918-2010), Maxwell's sister Mildred (1902-1985). Church of Scotland Cemetery, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Front inscription detail.  Right inscription detail.  Back inscription detail. |
- [S9942] Tombstone, Church of Scotland Cemetery, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Cornelius Lefurgey & Elizabeth Matthews, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 15 September 2014.
John H. Manson1
M, #24195, b. 1868, d. 1928
- [S9357] Cemetery Transcript, Free Church of Scotland, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, published transcripts, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Vol. 28-3 (2000), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
Margaret Manson
F, #35338
- [S8395] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Free Church of Scotland, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 11, (28 July 1856). Hereinafter cited as PARO Baptismal Index.
- [S8397] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Free Church of Scotland, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 1, (18 May 1853). Hereinafter cited as PARO Baptismal Index.
Mary Manson
F, #14100
- [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
Gladys Mantell1
F, #110476, b. 4 April 1890, d. 9 December 1988
Harold de Mantes1
M, #55192
Relationship | 2nd cousin 30 times removed of David Arthur Walker |
Last Edited | 3 Feb 2012 |
- [S1011] Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records" . . Hereinafter cited as "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records."
Amasa Manton1,2
M, #74620, b. 21 April 1795, d. 11 December 1869
- [S1477] John Osborne Austin, The Ancestral Dictionary (Central Falls, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: E. L. Freeman & Sons, 1891). Hereinafter cited as The Ancestral Dictionary.
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Annie Manton1
F, #81020
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Benjamin Dyer Manton1
M, #76663, b. after 1822
- [S1397] Alonzo Howard Clark Louis Henry Cornish, A National Register of the Society , Sons of the American Revolution ( Press of A. H. Kellogg, 1902). Hereinafter cited as A National Register of the Society.
Daniel Manton1
M, #74623, b. 1743, d. 14 November 1808
Note* | Daniel Manton of Johnston; son of Edward and Tabitha Manton. He was acaptain in a troop of RI Light Horse Cavalry during the Revolution andlater a Colonel. He was a deputy in the Colonial legislature and veryconspicious in the civil and religious matters in his own town. Thewhole family became so prominent in the town's business that a sectionbears their name today. children all born in Johnston: Edward, Jeremiah, Mehitable, Elisha,Olney, Daniel, John, William, Esther, Thomas. [The Eddy Family ofAmerica] |
Birth* | Daniel Manton was born in 1743. |
| He was the son of Edward Manton and Tabitha (Nee?) Manton. |
Marriage* | Daniel Manton married Patience Eddy, daughter of Daniel Eddy and Lydia Olney, in 1759.2 |
Death* | Daniel Manton died on 14 November 1808, in Johnston, Rhode Island . |
- [S1477] John Osborne Austin, The Ancestral Dictionary (Central Falls, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: E. L. Freeman & Sons, 1891). Hereinafter cited as The Ancestral Dictionary.
- [S1506] Ruth Story Devereux Eddy, The Eddy Family in America (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: The Association (on-line, Ancestry), 1930), 138. Hereinafter cited as The Eddy Family in America.
Edward Manton1
M, #74627, d. 12 September 1755
- [S1477] John Osborne Austin, The Ancestral Dictionary (Central Falls, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: E. L. Freeman & Sons, 1891). Hereinafter cited as The Ancestral Dictionary.
Eliz Taylor Manton1
F, #81026, b. 16 August 1818, d. 30 November 1893
Note* | No issue. |
Birth* | Eliz Taylor Manton was born on 16 August 1818.1 |
| She was the daughter of Amasa Manton and Eliza Taylor. |
Death* | Eliz Taylor Manton died on 30 November 1893, at age 75.1 |
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Eliza Manton1
F, #81015, b. 1793
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Francis Manton1
M, #81029, b. 1828, d. 1844
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Grace Dyer Manton
F, #79991, b. 30 November 1860
Harriet Manton1
F, #81025, b. 1820, d. 1823
Birth* | Harriet Manton was born in 1820.1 |
| She was the daughter of Amasa Manton and Eliza Taylor. |
Death* | Harriet Manton died in 1823.1 |
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Isabelle Manton1
F, #81031, b. 19 April 1836, d. 28 February 1916
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 160. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Jessie Richmond Manton
F, #79992, b. 10 August 1864
Joseph Manton1
M, #81059, d. 1872
- [S1371] Bertha Williams Anthony, Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island (: Mrs. C. W. Bertha Williams Anthony, 1949), 161. Hereinafter cited as Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
- [S1567] Edwin M. Snow, Births, Marriages & Deaths Recorded in Providence 1636-1850 (Providence, Rhode Island: Sidney S. Rider, 1879), 163. Hereinafter cited as Births, Marriages & Deaths in Providence 1636-1850.
- [S1356] James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Births, Marriages & Deaths Vol.7, Friends & Ministers (Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: Narragansett Hist. Pub. Co., 1895), 426. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.
Joseph Potter Manton1
M, #76664, b. 10 November 1830, d. 12 October 1912
- [S1397] Alonzo Howard Clark Louis Henry Cornish, A National Register of the Society , Sons of the American Revolution ( Press of A. H. Kellogg, 1902). Hereinafter cited as A National Register of the Society.