Jonathan Hazard1,2
M, #74683, b. 7 October 1704, d. 1746
Note* | He owned the Gov. Brown farm, 300 acres and the J.J. Watson farm, 209acres at Boston Neck, Rhode Island. He had several children. His will was recorded October 9. In 1739, his father gave to him by deedtwo hundred acres in Boston Neck. This land he ordered, in his will, tobe sold to pay his debts. Thomas, his son, called 'Virginia Tom,' sold itto Stephen Champlin. In 1785 it was divided among Champlin's heirs, andwas afterwards owned by Walter Watson, who gave it to his daughterAbigail. Walter Watson's wife was a granddaughter of Jonathan Hazard, anda daughter of 'Virginia Tom' Hazard, so that this was family property. Itis now known as the Updike farm, --the Updikes being descended from theHazards and Bowdoins through the Watsons. |
Birth* | Jonathan Hazard was born on 7 October 1704 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of Thomas Hazard and Susanna Nichols. |
Death* | Jonathan Hazard died in 1746. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 9, 23. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Jonathan Hazard1,2
M, #74733, b. circa 1744, d. after 1824
Note* | M. 1 - Patience Hazard of Jaffrey - 2nd cousin m. 2 - Hannah Brown m. 3 - Marian Gage she m. 2- as 3rd wife to Jos. Parker. |
Birth* | Jonathan Hazard was born circa 1744 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of Jonathan Hazard and Abigail MacCoon. |
Death* | Jonathan Hazard died after 1824. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 24. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Joseph Dyer Hazard1,2
M, #74716, b. after 1837
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129A. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 152. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Joseph Hoxie Hazard1,2
M, #74714, b. 16 June 1777, d. 12 October 1838
Note* | JOSEPH HOXSIE HAZARD, 6 (Jonathan, 5; Jonathan, 4; Thomas, 3; Robert, 2;Thomas, 1), was born June 16, 1777; he died October 12,1838. He moved,with his father, 'Beau Jonathan,' to Verona, New York, about 1806. Heaccumulated a large fortune there, and built a beautiful house near PennYan. His descendants speak of him as a man of noble appearance, and ofgreat physical strength. His character seems to have been as strong andsymmetrical as his person, unswervingly honest and courageous. Hemarried, in Rhode Island, January 21, 1808, his second cousin, AmeyWilliams. She died September 25, 1871. |
Birth* | Joseph Hoxie Hazard was born on 16 June 1777 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of Jonathan Hazard and Patience Hazard. |
Marriage* | Joseph Hoxie Hazard married Amey Williams on 21 January 1808, in Rhode Island .1,2 |
Death* | Joseph Hoxie Hazard died on 12 October 1838, at age 61. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 90-91. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Martha Hazard1,2
F, #80435, b. after 1658, d. 1753
- [S1447] Devere Allen, The Allen Families and 83 Connected Families (Wilton, Connecticut: self published, January 1947), Brownell 1. Hereinafter cited as The Allen Families.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 4, 6. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
- [S1447] Devere Allen, The Allen Families and 83 Connected Families (Wilton, Connecticut: self published, January 1947), Haz. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Allen Families.
Martha (Nee?) Hazard1,2
F, #74740, d. 1669
Death* | Martha (Nee?) Hazard died in 1669. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 1. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Mary Hazard1,2
F, #74682, b. 24 March 1736/37
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129A, 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 23. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129-A. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1356] James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Births, Marriages & Deaths Vol.7, Friends & Ministers (Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: Narragansett Hist. Pub. Co., 1895), 343. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.
Mary Hazard1
F, #75383, b. after 1658, d. before May 1698
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 12. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Mary Hazard1
F, #81560, b. 18 September 1725
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 28. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Mary Jane Hazard1,2
F, #74717, b. after 1837
Note* | 'The Items above of the family of Mary Jane (Hazard) Brown are from aletter of Hazard L. Brown dated 1892 at Greenway, Oneida County, NY inthe Louise Prosser Bates Collection - R. I. Historical Society,Providence, RI.' [William Alan Dyer] |
Birth* | Mary Jane Hazard was born after 1837. |
| She was the daughter of Daniel Williams Hazard and Ann Eliza Dyer. |
Marriage* | Mary Jane Hazard married Albert D. Brown on 6 December 1864.1,2 |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129A. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 152. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Patience Hazard1,2
F, #74734, d. 19 March 1809
Note* | Dau. of Jeffrey Hazard. |
Death* | Patience Hazard died on 19 March 1809. |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 24, 32. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Rayman Hazard1
M, #82420
- [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.
Robert Hazard1,2,3
M, #74737, b. 1635, d. 1710
Biographical Note* | In 1635, he came to Boston, Massachusetts from England with his parents. He was a Militia Commander for Portsmouth, Rhode Island in King Philip's War. Deputy to General Assembly. |
Birth* | Robert Hazard was born in 1635 in England . |
| He was the son of Thomas Hazard and Martha (Nee?) Hazard. |
Marriage* | Robert Hazard married Mary Brownell, daughter of Thomas Brownell and Ann Bourne, in 1658, in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island .4 |
Death* | Robert Hazard died in 1710, in Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island . |
- [S1482] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, Compendium, CD #113 & 114 (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing, 1925). Hereinafter cited as First Families of America.
- [S1447] Devere Allen, The Allen Families and 83 Connected Families (Wilton, Connecticut: self published, January 1947), Haz. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Allen Families.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 2, 4. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
- [S1376] Ruth Ellsworth Richardson, Samuel Richardson and Josiah Ellsworth (: privately published, 1974), 264. Hereinafter cited as Samuel Richardson and Josiah Ellsworth.
Robert Hazard1,2
M, #75043, b. 23 May 1689, d. 20 May 1762
- [S1482] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, Compendium, CD #113 & 114 (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing, 1925). Hereinafter cited as First Families of America.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 9, 20. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Sarah Hazard1
F, #81552, b. 27 January 1733/34
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 22. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Sarah L. Hazard1
F, #81540, b. circa 1863
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 224. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Stephen Hazard1
M, #81556, b. after 1658, d. 29 September 1727
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 11. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Stephen Hazard1
M, #81558, b. 29 November 1700, d. 1746
Note* | His will was proved, July, 1746. His home was in Point Judith, on thefarm now owned by the heirs of Carder H. Clark. His father gave him thisfarm by will, calling it 'the farm where I now live, one hundred andfifty acres, also fifty acres of homestead farm, bounded South on JeffreyChamplin, West on George Hazard, North on land in occupation of WilliamRobinson, East on remaining part of said farm, he paying to the Colonywhat said farm is mortgaged for.' In 1735 he was appointed Justice of theInferior Court of Common Pleas.2 This position gave him the title ofJudge, by which he has always been distinguished from the other StephenHazard of his generation. |
Note* | Second cousins. |
Birth* | Stephen Hazard was born on 29 November 1700 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of Stephen Hazard and Elizabeth Helme. |
Marriage* | Stephen Hazard married Mary Robinson on 9 January 1722/23. |
Death* | Stephen Hazard died in 1746, in Rhode Island . |
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 12, 28. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Stephen F. Hazard1
M, #81539, b. December 1864, d. 8 May 1886
Note* | Died unmarried. |
Birth* | Stephen F. Hazard was born in December 1864. |
| He was the son of Edward Weeden Hazard and Louisa Fiske. |
Death* | Stephen F. Hazard died on 8 May 1886, at age 21. |
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 224. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Sylvester Hazard1
M, #81542, b. September 1866, d. February 1867
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 224. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Thomas Hazard1,2,3,4
M, #74735, b. 1660, d. 1746
- [S1482] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, Compendium, CD #113 & 114 (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing, 1925). Hereinafter cited as First Families of America.
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1447] Devere Allen, The Allen Families and 83 Connected Families (Wilton, Connecticut: self published, January 1947), Haz. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Allen Families.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 4, 8. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Thomas Hazard1,2,3,4
M, #74739, b. 1610, d. 1680
Note* | THOMAS HAZARD, the progenitor of the Hazard family in the United Statesof America, was born in 1610; he died in 1680; he married, 1st, Martha(???), who died in 1669. He married, 2d, Martha, widow of Thomas Sheriff;she died in 1691. His name is first found in Boston, Massachusetts, in1635. In 1638, March 25, he was admitted freeman of Boston. Two yearslater he was admitted freeman of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. In 1639, April28, he and eight others signed the following contract, preparatory to thesettlement of Newport, Rhode Island: 'It is agreed by us whose hands areunderwritten to propagate a plantation in the midst of the island orelsewhere, and to engage ourselves to bear equal charge, answerable toour strength and estates, in common, and that our determination shall beby major voice of judge and elders, the judge to have a double voice.'The founders and first officers of the town of Newport were WilliamCoddington, Judge; Nicholas Easton, John Coggeshall, William Brenton,John Clarke, Jeremy Clarke, Thomas Hazard, and Henry Bull, Elders;William Dyre, Clerk. In 1639, June 5, he was named one of fourproportioners of land in Newport, any three of whom might proportion it;'the company laying it forth to have 4d. an acre for every acre laid.'September 2, 1639, he was admitted freeman of Newport, and in 1640, March12, he was appointed a member of the General Court of Elections. In 1665,he was for a short time in Newtown, Long Island. In his will, proved1680, his wife Martha, whom he calls his 'beloved yokefellow,' is soleexecutrix, and he gives her 'all movable and immovable estate, ashousing, goods, cattle, and chattels, etc.' To his son Robert he gives1s. To his daughters, Hannah Wilcox and Martha Potter, wife of IchabodPotter, 1s. There is a long line of descendants from this daughterMartha, and Ichabod Potter, with frequent intermarriages in the Hazardfamily. In the early history of the family it was almost an exception tofind a Hazard who did not marry a cousin, and it is a curious fact thatthe lines in which these marriages were the most frequent, were oftenmarked by the strongest men and women, both mentally and physically. Of Boston 1635, Newport 1639. He m. 2nd, Martha Sherriff (Shrieve) widowof Thomas. Ship Carpenter, surveyor & planter. 1635, Came to Boston, Ma from England with 1st wife Martha & son Robert. 1636, Admitted Freeman at Boston, Ma. 1638, Admitted Freeman at Portsmouth, RI. 1639, Signer of Compact for settlement of Newport, RI. 1640, Member of General Court of Elections. 1652, One of founders of Newtown, Long Island, NY. 1652-55, Magistrate under the Dutch. 1654, Member of Governor's Council. 1655, Returned to Portsmouth, RI, but reappeared at Newtown, Long Island,NY 1656 & 65. |
Birth* | Thomas Hazard was born in 1610 in England . |
Death* | He died in 1680, in So. Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island . |
- [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940), 129D. Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
- [S1482] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, Compendium, CD #113 & 114 (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing, 1925). Hereinafter cited as First Families of America.
- [S1447] Devere Allen, The Allen Families and 83 Connected Families (Wilton, Connecticut: self published, January 1947), Haz. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Allen Families.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 1. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Thomas Hazard1,2
M, #75045, b. 15 September 1720, d. 1798
Note* | Quaker preacher & a founder of Brown University. |
Birth* | Thomas Hazard was born on 15 September 1720 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of Robert Hazard and Sarah Borden. |
Death* | Thomas Hazard died in 1798. |
- [S1482] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, Compendium, CD #113 & 114 (Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing, 1925). Hereinafter cited as First Families of America.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 20. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Thomas Hazard , Col.1,2
M, #79934, b. 30 March 1704, d. circa 1787
Note* | He was Deputy in 1745, '48, '52, '53, '55, '56; in 1757 he was Assistant;in 1745 he was appointed Major, and in 1748, Colonel, by which title heis best known by his descendants. In 1725, he being then twenty-one yearsof age, his father, Colonel George Hazard, conveyed to him a 'certaintract of land, being by estimation ten acres, be it more or less . . .with all Housings, Mills, Presses, Shears, and other things which maytend or belong to the Cloathing trade.' This property was the fullingmill established by his father, Colonel George Hazard, in 1722-3, nearwhat is now known as Moorsfield, at a place called Lawton's saw-mill. Theland was a part of the homestead farm of Robert (2) Hazard. This wholefarm of three hundred acres was given to Colonel Thomas by will, in 1743,and by him sold to John Rose in 1748. The residence of Colonel Thomas isnot precisely known, although he was certainly living in Boston Neck in1752, when his daughter Sarah was married to her second cousin, GeorgeHazard, son of George, and grandson of Thomas (3) Hazard. |
Birth* | Thomas Hazard , Col. was born on 30 March 1704 in Rhode Island . |
| He was the son of George Hazard and Penelope Arnold. |
Marriage* | Thomas Hazard , Col. married Alice Hull, daughter of Joseph Hull Jr. and Ann Gardiner, on 11 December 1729.1,2 |
Death* | Thomas Hazard , Col. died circa 1787, in Rhode Island . |
- [S2164] The Hull Family in America, Charles H. Weygant, compiler, (Bartlesville, Oklahoma: The Hull Family Association, 1913), 268. Hereinafter cited as The Hull Family in America.
- [S1518] Caroline E. Robinson, The Hazard Family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Printed by the Author, 1895), 25. Hereinafter cited as The Hazard Family of Rhode Island.
Benjamin Hazen1
M, #113491, b. 19 February 1694/95, d. 18 September 1755
- [S16286] Ezra S. Stearns, Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable, Thirty Families (Boston, Massachusetts: George B. Littlefield, 1911), page 5. Hereinafter cited as Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable.
Edward Hazen1
M, #113492
- [S16286] Ezra S. Stearns, Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable, Thirty Families (Boston, Massachusetts: George B. Littlefield, 1911), page 5. Hereinafter cited as Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable.
Hepsibah Hazen1
F, #113495, b. 19 February 1724/25
Relationship | 2nd cousin 7 times removed of David Arthur Walker |
Last Edited | 6 Jan 2021 |
- [S16286] Ezra S. Stearns, Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable, Thirty Families (Boston, Massachusetts: George B. Littlefield, 1911), page 5. Hereinafter cited as Early Generations of Founders of Old Dunstable.
Kitty Hazen
F, #47761
| Kitty Hazen was the daughter of Thomas 'Tom' Hazen and Margaret E. 'Aunt Madge' Ennis. |
Note* | It is not known if they had a family. Kitty was 1st born to Tom anddon't know her mother. Kitty and George lived in Kelowna,BritishColumbia,Canada and were later divorced. |
Thomas 'Tom' Hazen1
M, #47759, d. circa 1920
Note* | Tom Hazen was a widower with two daughters - Kitty and Myrtle. Tommarried Margaret 'Madge' Ennis Between 1910 and 1912 in Seattle, KingCounty, Washington. Madge and Tom raised Kitty but Myrtle was adopted bysomeone else. Tom and Madge lived in the logging community of McMurray,Washington. Tom was killed in the early 1920's while working on a lograft. He slipped under a boom and drowned. |
Marriage* | Thomas 'Tom' Hazen married an unknown person. |
Marriage* | He married Margaret E. 'Aunt Madge' Ennis, daughter of Robert Strain Ennis and Frances Elizabeth Wark, between 1910 and 1912, in Seattle, King County, Washington, U.S.A. .1 |
Death* | Thomas 'Tom' Hazen died circa 1920, in McMurray, Skagit County, Washington, U.S.A. ; Unknown GEDCOM info: Drowning.1 |
- [S935] Jean Agnes (Ferguson) Smith, Ennis History (: privately published, 1979). Hereinafter cited as Ennis History.
Unknown Hazen1
M, #61628
Marriage* | Unknown Hazen married an unknown person. |
- [S1003] Collected by Edward Hiram and Evelyn Mae (Nilson) Mahoney, compiler, Mahoney Family Ancestry & History : self published). Hereinafter cited as Mahoney Family Ancestry & History.
Frances Hazlett
F, #21964
- [S9968] Correspondence with Joanne Robb, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
Child Hazzard1 
F, #6922
Relationship | 5th cousin 1 time removed of David Arthur Walker |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S202] Lorna Burke, Lorna Burke (P.O. Box 71, 6642 Rte. 8, Ludlow, New Brunswick, Canada).
Asa Head1
M, #88031, b. circa 1812
- [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.
Elizabeth Head1
F, #76111
- [S1380] Benjamin Franklin Wilroth, Little Compton Familes (Little Compton, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: Little Compton Historical Society, 1967). Hereinafter cited as Little Compton Familes.
- [S1474] Vital Records of Westport, Mass., to the Year 1850 (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1918). Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Westport, Mass. to 1850.
Mary Head1
F, #112021
- [S14637] Massachusetts Vital Records, Charles William Pitman & Lillian Jameson, , 13 August 1884 . Massachusetts Vital Records, Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Provo, Utah: Holbrook Research Institute.
Rellis Bebe Head1
F, #59161, b. 2 September 1931, d. 6 June 1949
- [S1213] Jean Agnes (Ferguson) Smith, Ennis History, Part 2 (: privately published, 1979). Hereinafter cited as Ennis History, Part 2.
Susannah B. Head1
F, #74417, d. before 1793
Note* | Dartmouth VR's: Preserved (Dyre) and Susanna Head, both of D., int. Feb.23, 1765. Married by Restcom Sanford, Justice. |
Marriage* | Susannah B. Head married Preserved Dyer, son of Charles Dyer and Elizabeth (Sheriff) Shreve, on 4 April 1765, in Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island .2,3 |
Death* | Susannah B. Head died before 1793, in Dartmouth, Bristol ounty, Massachusetts . |
- [S1379] World Family Tree, online, #5. Hereinafter cited as World Family Tree.
- [S1377] James Newell Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Births, Marriages & Deaths Vol.4, Newport County (Providence, RI.: Narraganset Hist. Publishing Co., 1893), 24. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Rhode Island, Vol. 4.
- [S1755] Vital Records of Dartmouth, Massachusetts to the year 1850, Vol. II Marriages (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1930), 171. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Dartmouth, MA to 1850, Marriages.
Worley N. Head1
M, #59160, b. 24 March 1896, d. 5 February 1972
Birth* | Worley N. Head was born on 24 March 1896 in Speers Ferry, Scott County, Virginia, U.S.A. .1 |
Marriage* | He married Viola Minerva Ennis, daughter of William 'Will' Thomas Ennis and Hattie Matilda Larson, on 31 August 1929, in Kemmer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, U.S.A. .1 |
Death* | Worley N. Head died on 5 February 1972, at age 75, in Bellevue, Blaine County, Idaho, U.S.A. .1 |
- [S1213] Jean Agnes (Ferguson) Smith, Ennis History, Part 2 (: privately published, 1979). Hereinafter cited as Ennis History, Part 2.
Elizabeth Headley
F, #16686, b. 19 September 1904
Ambrose Heal
M, #36179, b. 1625, d. 17 May 1696
Birth* | Ambrose Heal was born in 1625. |
| He was the son of John Heal and Alice White. |
Marriage* | Ambrose Heal married Alice. |
Death* | Ambrose Heal died on 17 May 1696. |
Child of Ambrose Heal and Alice
Ambrose Heal
M, #36181, b. 1660, d. 9 September 1717
Birth* | Ambrose Heal was born in 1660. |
| He was the son of Ambrose Heal and Alice. |
Death* | Ambrose Heal died on 9 September 1717. |
Edward Merewether Heal
M, #36187, b. 3 April 1770, d. 16 September 1824
Child of Edward Merewether Heal and Eliza
Harriet Withers Heal
F, #36189, b. 1801, d. 25 February 1882
John Heal
M, #36167, d. 21 March 1541
Marriage* | John Heal married Isabel. |
Death* | John Heal died on 21 March 1541. |
John Heal
M, #36174, b. 1563, d. 19 April 1622
Birth* | John Heal was born in 1563. |
| He was the son of William Heal and Unknown. |
Marriage* | John Heal married Mary Dallye in 1584. |
Death* | John Heal died on 19 April 1622. |
John Heal
M, #36176, d. 1669
John Heal
M, #36183, b. 1704, d. 28 August 1781