Carrie Warren1
F, #51737
- [S957] Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy, "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy" (30919 NE Farm Rd, Carnation,WA.). . Hereinafter cited as "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy."
Cecelia Gertrude Warren1
F, #110776
- [S866] Doris Muncey Haslam, The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, a Loyalist Family, 2 vols (Summerside, Prince Edward Island: privately published, 1978), Vol. 1, Page 109. Hereinafter cited as The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, a Loyalist Family.
Chadbourne Warren1
M, #52813, b. circa 1728
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Charlotte Warren1
F, #37747, b. 1883, d. 20 July 1956
Name-Com | Charlotte Warren is commonly known as Lottie.2 |
Birth* | She was born in 1883 in New London, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1 |
Marriage* | She married Garnet Weldon Campbell, son of James Andrew Campbell and Christina Lamont.1 |
Death* | Charlotte Warren died on 20 July 1956, in Malden, Massachusetts, U.S.A. . |
Burial* | She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, New London, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.46276,-63.51645 . Inscription: CAMPBELL / Garnet W. Campbell / 1883 - 1949 / His Wife / Charlotte Warren / 1883 - 1956 Back: LINELL / Arthur E. Linell / 1905 - 1994 / His Wife / Marguerite Campbell / 1904 - 1995.1 Tombstone, Garnet W. Campbell, his wife Charlotte Warren, their daughter Marguerite Campbell, her husband Arthur E. Linell. Peoples Cemetery, New London, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. |
- [S8656] Cemetery tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, New London, Queens County, Prince Edward Island. Garnet W. Campbell & Charlotte Warren, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 11 September 2013.
- [S8693] Baptismal Record: Vernon Campbell, Kensington Presbyterian Church records, Baptismal Records Book, Record Book 3, Pages 34-35, (1902). Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
Charlotte Warren1
F, #105024, b. 8 February 1829, d. 1906
Birth* | Charlotte Warren was born on 8 February 1829 in Prince Edward Island .1,2 |
Marriage* | She married George Leard, son of Samuel Leard and Isabella Muttart.1 |
(Wife) Census HeadHousehold | Charlotte Warren was enumerated on the census of 1901 in the household of George Leard, as his wife, in Lot 26, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . Enumerated in the household of George Leard (age 72) were his wife, Charlotte Warren (age 72), their son Lewis (age 37), his children, Lottie (age 13) and Claude (age 8). George and Lewis were millers. The family religion was Methodist.2 |
Burial* | Charlotte Warren was buried in the United Church Cemetery, Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . Inscription: In Memory of / George Leard / Died Nov. 1903 / ÆT. 75. / Also His Wife / Charlotte Warren / Died. Oct. 1905, / ÆT. 77. / LEARD.3
Death* | She died in 1906.1 |
- [S866] Doris Muncey Haslam, The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, a Loyalist Family, 2 vols (Summerside, Prince Edward Island: privately published, 1978), page 173. Hereinafter cited as The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, a Loyalist Family.
- [S14094] 1901 Canada Census, Lot 26, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, household #117 of George Leard, digital copy of original census document, LAC microfilm, Page 12. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S9538] Cemetery Transcript, United Church Cemetery, Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, published transcripts, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Volume 27-2 (2000), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
Daniel Warren1
M, #52841, b. 11 August 1765
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Dominicus Warren1
M, #52819, b. circa 1757
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
E. Warren1
M, #98805
- [S4952] Cemetery Marker, Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Valley, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Preston Walker & Isabelle MacDonald, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 27 August 2010.
Edward Warren
M, #24599
Marriage* | Edward Warren married Mary ? |
Child of Edward Warren and Mary ?
Eliza J. Warren1
F, #51705
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
Elizabeth Warren1
F, #52787, b. 30 May 1725
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Ella A. Warren
F, #11689, b. 21 May 1885
Elva Jean Warren
F, #37738, b. 20 February 1913
Emily V. Warren1
F, #51704
- [S957] Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy, "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy" (30919 NE Farm Rd, Carnation,WA.). . Hereinafter cited as "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy."
Emma May Warren1
F, #104176, b. 27 October 1863, d. 25 April 1918
Name-Com | Emma May Warren is commonly known as Emma Warren.3,4 |
Birth* | She was born on 27 October 1863 in Brockton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island .5,4,1 |
| She was the daughter of Alexander Warren and Mary Ann Currie.2 |
Marriage* | Emma May Warren married William Emerson Cousins, son of David Cousins and Mary Anne Dunning, in 1886, in Alberton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1,4 |
(Witness) Census HeadHousehold | Emma May Warren was enumerated on the census of 23 April 1891 in the household of William Emerson Cousins in Lot 4, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . Included in the household with William (age 33) were his wife Emma Warren (age 27), their children William (age 4) & Helen (age 2). William was a sailor. The family religion was Presbyterian.6  |
(Witness) Census HeadHousehold | Emma May Warren was enumerated on the census of 1901 in the household of William Emerson Cousins in Lot 4, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . Included in the household with William (age 43) were his wife Emma Warren (age 37), their children Helen Lambert (age 12), James Creston (age 8), Russel (age 5) and Roland Emerson (age 2). William was a mariner. The family religion was Presbyterian.5  |
(Witness) Census HeadHousehold | Emma May Warren was enumerated on the census of 1911 in the household of William Emerson Cousins in Lot 4, Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . Included in the household with William (age 53) were his wife Emma Warren (age 47), their children Helen (age 22), Russel (age 15), Roland (age 12), Nelson (age 9), Elbridge (age 7) & Pearl (age 5). William & Russel were fishermen. The family religion was Presbyterian.7  |
Living* | Emma May Warren and William Emerson Cousins were living in Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada , in 1916.8 |
Death* | Emma May Warren died on 25 April 1918, at age 54, in Campbellton, Lot 4, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1,4 |
Burial* | She was buried in the United Church Cemetery, Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.79192,-64.30340 . COUSINS / William Cousins / 1857 - 1937 / His Wife / Emma Warren / 1864 - 1918 / children / W. Henry / 1886 - 1895 / J. Creston 1892 - 1902 / Roland E. 1898 - 1940.4
 Tombstone, William Cousins (1857-1937), his wife Emma Warren (1864-1918), children W. Henry (1886-1895), J. Creston (1892-1902), Roland E. (1898-1940). United Church Cemetery, Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. |
William Henry Cousins6 b. 10 Oct 1886, d. 1895 Helen Lambert Cousins5 b. 24 Jan 1889, d. 27 Mar 1980 James Creston Cousins4 b. 19 Jun 1892, d. 8 May 1902 Russell Cortland Cousins5 b. 31 Mar 1896, d. 29 Mar 1951 Roland Emerson Cousins9,4 b. 24 Dec 1898, d. 12 Oct 1940 Nelson David Cousins10,7 b. 3 Nov 1901, d. 7 May 1967 Elbridge Livingstone Cousins+11 b. 25 Nov 1903, d. 1989 Pearl Florence Cousins3,7 b. 8 Sep 1905, d. 18 Apr 1994
- [S9230] Goin' to the Corner, Volume 2, Parts I & II, Norma McLellan et al., (Alberton, Prince Edward Island: Elmsdale and Area Historical Society, published 2010), page 1548. Hereinafter cited as Goin' to the Corner.
- [S9230] Goin' to the Corner, Volume 2, Parts I & II, Norma McLellan et al., (Alberton, Prince Edward Island: Elmsdale and Area Historical Society, published 2010), page 1547. Hereinafter cited as Goin' to the Corner.
- [S11197] Baptismal Record, United Church, O'Leary, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Pearl Florence Cousins, Public Archives and Records Office, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, United Church, O'Leary, Book Number 2. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
- [S9037] Cemetery marker, United Church Cemetery, Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. William Cousins & Emma Warren, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 19 September 2013.
- [S9100] 1901 Microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada Microfilm T-6428 to T-6556, Page 1, Family #7.
- [S9101] 1891 Microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada Microfilm T-6382, Pages 30-31, Family #111.
- [S9102] 1911 Microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada Microfilm T-20326 to T-20460, Page 17, Family #131.
- [S11202] "Attestation Paper, 105th Overseas Battalion, C Company", "Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918)." Record Group 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 4930 - 35. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa; Ancestry (Canada); Hereinafter cited as "Attestation Paper, Regiment Number 712749."
- [S11195] Baptismal Record, United Church, O'Leary, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Roland Emerson Cousins, Public Archives and Records Office, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, United Church, O'Leary, Book Number 2. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
- [S9220] Baptismal Records Book, United Church records, O'Leary, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Baptismal Records Book, Record Book 2, (3 February 1904). Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
- [S9039] Cemetery marker, United Church Cemetery, Campbellton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Elbridge Cousins & Mary Ann MacKay, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 19 September 2013.
Esther Warren1
F, #51823, b. circa 1760
- [S1147] Birth Certificates of Karl Ernst and Christian Gottieb Mehner, Karl Ernst & Christian Gottlieb Mehner, birth certificates (in possession of Donald R. Coy), Personal Archives of Donald Coy, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Eunice Warren1
F, #52769, b. 20 May 1771
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Flavilla Warren1
F, #51714
- [S1146] Ethel R. (Clark) Wellington, "Ethel R. (Clark) Wellington, compiled family records", 1996, recipient Donald R. Coy (Billings, Montana). . Hereinafter cited as "Ethel R. (Clark) Wellington, compiled records."
Francis Warren1
M, #52760, b. 5 December 1744
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Frederick C. Warren1,2
M, #109883, b. 9 July 1895, d. 23 March 1991
Name Variation | Frederick C. Warren is also known as Fred C. Warren.3 |
Birth* | He was born on 9 July 1895 in Prince Edward Island, Canada .1,2,3 |
| He was the son of Peter Warren and Mary Amelia Cousins.2 |
Baptism | Frederick C. Warren was baptized on 7 October 1896 in the Free Church of Scotland, Clinton, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada ; the officiating clergyman was Rev. Daniel MacLean.1 |
Death* | He died on 23 March 1991, at age 95.3 |
Burial* | He was buried in Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .3 |
- [S13186] Baptismal Record, Frederick C. Warren, Free Church of Scotland Records, Clinton, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Book 1, Page 25, (7 October 1896). Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
- [S13180] 1911 Canada Census, Clinton, Part Lot 20 & 21, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, of Peter Warren household #101, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Clinton, Part Lot 20 & 21, Queens County, Prince Edward Island; Microfilm reels T-20326 to T-20460, Page12. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S8564] Cemetery Transcript, Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, transcriptions, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Volume Lot 21-2 (2000), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
George E. Warren
M, #35423, b. 1876, d. 1945
George Garnet Warren
M, #27041, b. 11 May 1931, d. 2004
- [S9810] Cemetery Transcript, Peoples Cemetery, Freetown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, transcriptions, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Vol. 25-2 (2008), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
Gideon Warren1
M, #51774, b. between 1724 and 1729, d. 20 June 1804
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
Gilbert Warren1
M, #51794, b. 1732
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Gilbert Warren1
M, #51797, b. 6 September 1739
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Gilbert Warren Sr.1
M, #51776, b. 30 April 1703
Children of Gilbert Warren Sr. and Abigail
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
Hannah Warren1
F, #51721
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
Harriett G. Warren1
F, #51708
- [S957] Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy, "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy" (30919 NE Farm Rd, Carnation,WA.). . Hereinafter cited as "Compiled Records - Bob Mehner & Jewel Coy."
Heard Warren1
M, #51787, b. 16 December 1705
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
Heath Edwin Warren
M, #17074, b. 29 August 1905, d. 17 July 1965
Name-Com | Heath Edwin Warren is commonly known as Heath Warren. |
Birth* | He was born on 29 August 1905 in New London, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . |
| He was the son of Willis R. Warren and Clara Ethel Cole. |
Marriage* | Heath Edwin Warren married Mildred Clark Bernard, daughter of Samuel Bernard and Lydia Ellen Clark, on 3 September 1928, in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. . |
Death* | Heath Edwin Warren died on 17 July 1965, at age 59, in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada . |
Burial* | He was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.40588,-63.77591 . Section B1 row 3. Inscription: WARREN / Heath E. Warren / Aug. 29, 1905 - July 17, 1965 / His Wife / Mildred C. Bernard / June 9, 1903 - Dec. 7, 1969 Back: WARREN / Willis R. Warren / Aug. 14, 1881 - July 5, 1957 / His Wife / Clara E. Cole / Dec. 12, 1883 - May 29, 1970.1,2
 Tombstone, Heath E. Warren (1905-1965) his wife Mildred C. Bernard (1903-1969), his parents Willis R. Warren (1881-1957) and Clara E. Cole (1883-1970). Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Back inscription. |
- [S8553] Cemetery Transcript, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, PEIGS publication Lot 17-4 (2003), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
- [S10134] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Heath E. Warren & Mildred C. Bernard, photograph & inscription; read by David A. Walker, 24 June 2015.
Ichabod Warren1
M, #52852, b. 14 March 1735/36
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
James Warren1
M, #51723
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
James Warren1
M, #51783, b. 9 June 1698
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
James Warren1
M, #52814, b. circa 1730
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
James Warren1
M, #69068
- [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
James Warren1
M, #101739
- [S6926] Prince Edward Island Baptism Card Index, 1771-1885, Trinity Church, First Methodist Church, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 2, Page 3, (Samuel Nelson Warren, 26 March 1837). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index,
James Donald Warren1
M, #109879, b. circa January 1881
- [S13178] 1881 Canada Census, Lot 20, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, of Peter Warren household #123, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Lot 20, Queens County, Prince Edward Island; Microfilm reel C_13163, Page 31. Ancestry (Canada),
James E. Warren1
M, #109885, b. circa 1813, d. 1 June 1897
- [S13181] 1891 Canada Census, Lot 20, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, of Peter Warren Household #30, 10 April 1891, Microfilm Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Lot 20; Queens County; Microfilm T-6383, Page 7, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada.
- [S9357] Cemetery Transcript, Free Church of Scotland, Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, published transcripts, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Vol. 28-3 (2000), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
James Edward Warren
M, #11690, b. 7 September 1887
James Edward Warren
M, #35248, b. 1813, d. 1897
Birth* | James Edward Warren was born in 1813. |
| He was the son of Joseph Warren and Ann Pollard. |
Death* | James Edward Warren died in 1897. |
James Warren Jr.1
M, #51778, b. 1658, d. circa 1725
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
James Warren Sr.1
M, #51780, b. circa 1620, d. 1702
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
James Walter Warren1
M, #109889, b. 8 November 1896
Birth* | James Walter Warren was born on 8 November 1896 in residence, Irishtown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada .1 |
| He was the son of Peter Warren and Mary Amelia Cousins.1 |
Baptism | James Walter Warren was baptized on 26 July 1897 in St. Mark's Anglican Church, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.43795,-63.63484 ; the officiating clergyman was Rev. H.C. Aylwin.1 |
- [S13187] Baptismal Record, James Walter Warren, St. Mark's Anglican Church Records, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Book 1, Page 56, (26 July 1897). Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record.
Jane Catherine Warren1
F, #71779, b. 1810
- [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
John Warren1
M, #51788, b. 16 December 1705
- [S1145] Vanetta (Warren) & McKinley Horsford, Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine (: self published). Hereinafter cited as Adriel Warren of Berwick, Maine.
John Warren1
M, #52771, b. 5 November 1773
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
John Warren1
M, #52851, b. 5 March 1730/31
- [S989] Donald Coy, "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Coy descendancy chart, from LDS data."
John Scott Warren
M, #19629