Lenore Dykeman1
F, #54692, b. 29 May 1920
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lily Dykeman1
F, #65845
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lily Dykeman1
F, #65944
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lily Dykeman1
F, #65945
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lindsay Dykeman1
M, #65772
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lorena Ida Dykeman1
F, #65925, b. 16 September 1874, d. 1906
Birth* | Lorena Ida Dykeman was born on 16 September 1874 in Elk River, Sherburne County, Minnesota, U.S.A. .1 |
| She was the daughter of James Wesley Dykeman and Margaret 'Maggie' Ann Mills. |
Marriage* | Lorena Ida Dykeman married William F. Moores on 17 April 1902, in Elk River, Sherburne County, Minnesota, U.S.A. . Lorena Ida (Dykeman) Moores was a practical nurse. No children by this marriage.1 |
Death* | Lorena Ida Dykeman died in 1906, in Elk River, Sherburne County, Minnesota, U.S.A. .1 |
Burial* | She was buried in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, U.S.A. . |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lottie Cordellia Dykeman1
F, #65790, b. 20 December 1889
Name-Com | Lottie Cordellia Dykeman is commonly known as Lottie Dykeman.3,2 |
Birth* | She was born on 20 December 1889 in Cambridge, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
| She was the daughter of Charles Duvernet Dykeman and Euphemia B. Brown.2 |
(Witness) Census HeadHousehold | Lottie Cordellia Dykeman was enumerated on the census of 17 April 1891 in the household of Charles Duvernet Dykeman in Cambridge, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada . Included in the household with Charles (age 40), were his second wife Euphemia (age 38), their children Herman (age 3) and Lottie (age 1), and Euphemia's twin children by her first marriage, William and Jessie MacDonald (age 12). William and Jessie were recorded as son and daughter, presumably having been adopted by Charles.4 |
Marriage* | Lottie Cordellia Dykeman married Burpee Elgee. |
- [S6889] Index to County Birth Registers. birth record of unknown name of person,20 December 1889. N.pub., n.p.. PANB Film F14884, Code 4-1-3-104.
- [S6887] Correspondence with Greta Gilmore, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
- [S6892] 1891 Canada Census, Cambridge, Queens County, New Brunswick, household #169, 17 April 1891, on-line microfilm image, LAC Roll T-6302, page 34. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Louise Dykeman1
F, #65806
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Lydia Dykeman1
F, #54558, b. 1858
- [S1011] Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records" . . Hereinafter cited as "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records."
Manzer Dykeman1
M, #65804, d. circa 1892
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Margaret Emeline Dykeman1
F, #61545, b. 3 April 1841
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Marinda Dykeman1
F, #65769
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Marion Dykeman1
F, #66037, b. 23 July 1909
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Martha Clarissa Dykeman1
F, #61564, b. 12 April 1831
Note* | Henry J. Gidney, Rev. was a Church of England clergyman. A descendant, C. M. Gidney of Santa Barbara, California, compiled ahistory of the Dykeman family. |
Birth* | Martha Clarissa Dykeman was born on 12 April 1831.1 |
| She was the daughter of Barnet Manzer Dykeman and Sophia Beyea. |
Marriage* | Martha Clarissa Dykeman married Henry J. Gidney , Rev. on 31 January 1855.1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Martha Louise Dykeman1
F, #58476, b. 23 January 1872, d. 17 November 1940
Birth* | Martha Louise Dykeman was born on 23 January 1872 in Jemseg, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
Marriage* | She married Almond Harvey Gunter, son of Richard Valentine Springer Gunter and Deborah Titus Springer, on 31 December 1890.2 |
Death* | Martha Louise Dykeman died on 17 November 1940, at age 68, in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. .1 |
- [S1014] Wayne Gunter, "Gunter Family Heritage File" (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada). . Hereinafter cited as "Gunter Family Heritage File."
- [S202] Lorna Burke, Lorna Burke (P.O. Box 71, 6642 Rte. 8, Ludlow, New Brunswick, Canada).
Mary Dykeman1
F, #61429, b. 10 April 1797
Note* | Mary Dykeman, b. April 10, 1795; bp. May 15, 1797; m. March 24, 1815.Vincent White of Waterborough, Queens Co., New Brunswick, Canada. Bothare bur. at Robertson's Point, Grand Lake, Queens Co., New Brunswick. Among their descendants are W.W. White, L.L.D (McGill, F.R.C.S.(Edinburgh), twice mayor of Saint John, N.B., Lt. Col., Canadian ArmyMedical Corps, senator, etc; A.S. White, judge, Supreme Court of NewBrunswick; and his son, Donald V. White, Ll.B., of Sussex, N.B., Liberalcandidate for Royal, 1930, 1932. |
Birth* | Mary Dykeman was born on 10 April 1797.1 |
| She was the daughter of Gilbert Hatfield Dykeman Sr. and Dorcas Manzer. |
Baptism | Mary Dykeman was baptized on 14 May 1797.1 |
Marriage* | She married Vincent White on 24 March 1815.1 |
Burial* | Mary Dykeman was buried in Robertson's Point, Grand Lake, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Mary Dykeman1
F, #61451, b. June 1802
Birth* | Mary Dykeman was born in June 1802.1 |
| She was the daughter of Jacob Dykeman and Statira Camp. |
Baptism | Mary Dykeman was baptized on 20 June 1802.1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Mary Beyea Dykeman
F, #65848, b. 24 March 1883
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
- [S9288] Late Registration of Birth, Mary Beyea Dykeman, 24 March 1883, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada. PANB microfilm F18770, Code 1883-D-71.
- [S9289] Late Registration of Birth, George Edgar Christie, 28 December 1917, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada. PANB microfilm F24970, Code 1917-800524.
Mary Jane Dykeman1
F, #61547, b. 6 November 1843
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Mary White Dykeman1
F, #61570, b. 31 August 1844
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Matilda Jane Dykeman1
F, #65876
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Melicent Dykeman1
F, #61544, b. 2 June 1839
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Milbur Dykeman1
M, #65768
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Mildred Bernice Dykeman1
F, #65835, b. 14 August 1917
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Minnie Dykeman1
F, #54699, b. 14 October 1865, d. 2 December 1892
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Minnie Dykeman1
F, #65844
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Moses Dykeman1
M, #65880
Children of Moses Dykeman
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Moses A. Dykeman1
M, #54901, b. 31 December 1772, d. 7 April 1850
Note* | A graveyard near A. Weldon Purdy's on the old Purdy grant at Upper Jemsegis sometimes known locally as the Old Dykeman or Olg Garrison BuryingGround. Nothing is left to show who is buried there, though shapes ofabout seventeen graves could be faintly discerned in 1932 and about adozen were marked with flat stones from the land, placed on end in theground but worn off to jagged remnants. The Dykeman Burying Ground,situated on the lower side of the road and overlooking the entrance toGrand Lake, contains a large number of monuments as well as severalunmarked graves. It is in this cemetery that both Moses A. Dykeman and his wife Eunice Phoebe Currie Or Currey areburied. Moses A. Dykeman was the son of the Loyalist Garret Dykeman and his wifeEunice Hatfield. |
Birth* | Moses A. Dykeman was born on 31 December 1772 in New York, U.S.A. .1 |
| He was the son of Garret Dykeman and Eunice Ann Hatfield. |
Marriage* | Moses A. Dykeman married Eunice Phoebe Currie Or Currey, daughter of Joshua Currey and Eunice Travis, on 11 February 1798, in Gagetown, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
Baptism | Moses A. Dykeman was baptized on 3 December 1849; by the Reverend Abram Wood.1 |
Death* | He died on 7 April 1850, at age 77, in Upper Jemseg, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
Burial* | He was buried in Dykeman Burying Grounds, Upper Jemseg, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Moses M. Dykeman1
M, #54557, b. 30 August 1828, d. after 1877
- [S1011] Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records" . . Hereinafter cited as "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records."
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
- [S8554] Marriage, Moses M. Dykeman & Sarah Cottle, New Brunswick Courier, Saint John, New Brunswick, 11 December 1852, Daniel F. Johnson's New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics, Volume 14, Number 518. Hereinafter cited as New Brunswick Courier.
Moses Miller Dykeman1
M, #61423, b. 1818, d. 16 March 1865
Note* | Moses Miller Dykeman b. 1818 d. March 16, 1865, aged 47 years11 month, m.(1) J. Elizabeth Close, who was b. 1824 and d. Oct.15, 1851, in the '27thyear of her age'; m (2) Elizabeth Dailey, who after his death m. theReverend George Armstrong. Moses M. Dykeman's will, dated Feb. 25, 1865, was proved March 20, 1865.By it he left 'all the income of my property' to wife Elizabeth 'duringthe natural term of her life, further all my household furniture to haveand to hold as she pleases, at her death to be disposed of as follows -First I give and bequeath to my sister Eliza Ann Clark wife of John P.Clark of the Parish of Cambridge of the County of Queens the sum of fourhundred dollars - Secondly the remainder of my property to be equallydivided between my nephews and nieces.' Executors were his wife'Elizabeth or Jane Dykeman' and Joseph Hatfield Dykeman, QueensburyParish, York Co., N.B. A year's litigation (Sept. 8, 1871-Sept. 25, 1872) over the amount ofincome due her shows that his wife, Elizabeth during that time marriedGeorge Armstrong. |
Birth* | Moses Miller Dykeman was born in 1818.1 |
| He was the son of Moses A. Dykeman and Eunice Phoebe Currie Or Currey. |
Marriage* | Moses Miller Dykeman married J. Elizabeth Close. |
Death* | Moses Miller Dykeman died on 16 March 1865. |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Moses William Dykeman1
M, #61457, b. 25 July 1818
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Myra 'May' Mary Dykeman1
F, #54561, b. 27 November 1856, d. 1 July 1878
Birth* | Myra 'May' Mary Dykeman was born on 27 November 1856.1 |
| She was the daughter of John K. Dykeman and Amanda Fitzalan Cottle. |
Death* | Myra 'May' Mary Dykeman died on 1 July 1878, at age 21. |
- [S1011] Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records" . . Hereinafter cited as "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records."
Nettie Dykeman1
F, #61464
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Orland Dykeman1
M, #61465
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Orland S. Dykeman1
M, #65773
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Otis Dykeman1
M, #65965
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Phebe Ann Dykeman1
F, #54529, b. circa 1828, d. 15 February 1908
Name Variation | Phebe Ann Dykeman is also known as Phoebe Ann Dykeman.2 |
Birth* | She was born circa 1828 in Jemseg, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada .3 |
| She was the daughter of Joshua C. Dykeman and Martha Springer. |
Marriage* | Phebe Ann Dykeman married Nathaniel Bradbury Cottle, son of Nathaniel B. Cottle Jr. and Frances 'Franck' Lawton Lounsbury, circa 1842.3 |
(Witness) Marriage | Phebe Ann Dykeman witnessed the marriage of Albert Coy and Sarah Mariah Dykeman on 28 January 1852 in Upper Gagetown, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada ; Phebe Ann Dykeman was a witness at their wedding. Information taken from Marriages at Provincial Archives.4 |
Death* | Phebe Ann Dykeman died on 15 February 1908, in Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick, Canada ; Phebe Ann Dykeman: Copied from a monument in the old cemetery at Jemseg, [31] Phebe Ann / Born at Jemseg / Died at St. John / Feb. 15, 1908 / Aged 80 yrs. / 'Rest, loved one rest, thy work is done.3' |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
- [S6887] Correspondence with Greta Gilmore, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
- [S1011] Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records" . . Hereinafter cited as "Helen Lee (Cottle) Carter, compiled records."
- [S202] Lorna Burke, Lorna Burke (P.O. Box 71, 6642 Rte. 8, Ludlow, New Brunswick, Canada).
Phoebe Amelia Dykeman1
F, #61567, b. 1 April 1837
Note* | They moved to Maugerville, Sunbury Co., N. B. The Raymonds are animportant New Brunswick family, with several members attainingdistinction in the literary and educational world. |
Birth* | Phoebe Amelia Dykeman was born on 1 April 1837.1 |
| She was the daughter of Barnet Manzer Dykeman and Sophia Beyea. |
Marriage* | Phoebe Amelia Dykeman married James Smith Raymond on 13 October 1857.1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Phoebe M. Dykeman1
F, #58483, b. 1866, d. 1918
- [S1014] Wayne Gunter, "Gunter Family Heritage File" (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada). . Hereinafter cited as "Gunter Family Heritage File."
Phoebe Or Pheby Dykeman1
F, #61440, b. 9 September 1811
Note* | Phoebe Or Pheby Dykeman perhaps buried in the Titus Burying Ground, UpperJemseg, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada. |
Baptism | Phoebe Or Pheby Dykeman was baptized on 5 September 1811.1 |
Birth* | She was born on 9 September 1811.1 |
| She was the daughter of Gilbert Hatfield Dykeman Sr. and Dorcas Manzer. |
Marriage* | Phoebe Or Pheby Dykeman married Wiliam Titus on 21 July 1830.1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Phoebe R. Dykeman1
F, #65878, d. circa 1932
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Phoebe S. Dykeman1
F, #65731
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Priscilla Jane Dykeman1
F, #61444, b. 9 October 1818
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Ralph G. Dykeman1
M, #65776
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Rebecca Dykeman1
F, #54906
| Rebecca Dykeman was the daughter of Garret Dykeman and Eunice Ann Hatfield. |
Note* | Rebecca Dykeman married either Gilbert or Richard Currie, son of Joshuaand Eunice (Travis) Currie. Two well preserved, white marble gravestonesin St. John's churchyard, Gagetown, not far from the Dykeman stone,contain the following inscriptions: 'Gilbert Currie died June 4, 1857Aged 86 yrs.' and 'His daughter Eunice died Augt. 21, 1847 Aged 49 yrs.' |
Marriage* | Rebecca Dykeman married Gilbert (or Richard) Currey, son of Joshua Currey and Eunice Travis. |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Rebecca Dykeman1
F, #61432, b. 2 October 1800
Note* | Rebecca Dykeman, b. Oct. 2, 1800; bp. Nov. 2, 1800; living 1854; m.Joshua Calkin. Children (Calkin), 3: (1) Charles (2) Malichi (3) Betsey Dr. J. C. Calkin of Sackville, N.B., is a descendant. |
Birth* | Rebecca Dykeman was born on 2 October 1800.1 |
| She was the daughter of Gilbert Hatfield Dykeman Sr. and Dorcas Manzer. |
Baptism | Rebecca Dykeman was baptized on 2 November 1800.1 |
Children of Rebecca Dykeman
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Rebecca Dykeman1
F, #61454
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Rebecca Ann Dykeman1
F, #61546, b. 30 March 1846
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Rebecca Louise Dykeman1
F, #61571, b. 3 July 1847, d. 12 December 1910
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."
Richard C. Dykeman1
M, #59408, b. 23 December 1798, d. 6 July 1874
Note* | Richard C. Dykeman died intestate and his sons Moses M. and Gershom W.were appointed administrators September 4, 1874. The final accounting ofthe estate, dated June 23, 1877, lists his 'only surviving children andheir' as John, Moses M., Gershom W., and Thomas C. Dykeman. His probatepapers describe him as 'of Parish of Cambridge'. |
Birth* | Richard C. Dykeman was born on 23 December 1798.1 |
| He was the son of Moses A. Dykeman and Eunice Phoebe Currie Or Currey. |
Marriage* | Richard C. Dykeman married Sarah Clark, daughter of Gershom Clark and Elizabeth Carle. |
Death* | Richard C. Dykeman died on 6 July 1874, at age 75, in Cambridge .1 |
- [S1039] Melinda McCoy, "Melinda McCoy, compiled records" (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). . Hereinafter cited as "Melinda McCoy, compiled records."