Nancy Beach1

F, #47523
Last Edited12 Mar 2001

Child of Nancy Beach and Rev. Frederick Dibblee


  1. [S1234] Personal communication Kathy Sheehan, Family records, Personal files.

Olin Abner Beach

M, #16060
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Olin Abner Beach and Charlotte Wolf

Elizabeth Beadle

F, #49340, b. 1735, d. 1812
Last Edited24 Jan 2002
Birth*Elizabeth Beadle was born in 1735 in Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada.1 
Marriage*She married John Titus, son of John Titus and Elizabeth, in 1755.1 
Burial*Elizabeth Beadle was buried in 1812 in Will was probated. 
Death*She died in 1812, in Waterborough, Queens County, New Brunswick, Canada.1 

Child of Elizabeth Beadle and John Titus


  1. [S1049] Don Coy, "Ancestral File (TM) - ver 4. 17, Descendancy Chart, Donald R. Coy, 1997.", July 1996 (Seattle, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File (TM) - ver 4. 17, Descendancy Chart."

? Beairsto

F, #24413
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of ? Beairsto and Thomas Sims

Albert Beairsto1

M, #70699, b. 8 January 1837, d. 31 July 1919
FatherWilliam Beairsto1
MotherFrances Tryon Aitken1
Last Edited14 Jan 2008
Birth*Albert Beairsto was born on 8 January 1837.1 
He was the son of William Beairsto and Frances Tryon Aitken.1 
Marriage*Albert Beairsto married Mary Jane Ives, daughter of Joseph Ives and Ann Elizabeth Dickie, on 25 November 1874.1 
Death*Albert Beairsto died on 31 July 1919, at age 82.1 
Burial*He was buried in Union Corner Cemetery, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 

Children of Albert Beairsto and Mary Jane Ives


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Alexander Beairsto1

M, #70616
FatherThomas Theophilus Beairsto1 b. 22 Oct 1838, d. 17 Dec 1917
MotherFrances Dickie1 b. 5 Jul 1846, d. 29 Jan 1929
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Alexander Beairsto was the son of Thomas Theophilus Beairsto and Frances Dickie.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Alexander Beairsto1

M, #70703
FatherAlbert Beairsto1 b. 8 Jan 1837, d. 31 Jul 1919
MotherMary Jane Ives1 b. 4 Sep 1848, d. 18 Jan 1909
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Alexander Beairsto was the son of Albert Beairsto and Mary Jane Ives.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Aubrey Major Beairsto1

M, #96954, b. 29 October 1892
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto1 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMargaretta LeDret Binns1 b. 2 Jul 1852, d. 1919
Last Edited10 Nov 2012
Birth*Aubrey Major Beairsto was born on 29 October 1892 in home, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of George Aitken Beairsto and Margaretta LeDret Binns.1 
BaptismAubrey Major Beairsto was baptized on 2 August 1893 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.355952,-63.124992.1 


  1. [S3786] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Aubrey Major Beairsto, St. Paul's Anglican Church , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 174.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Aubrey Major Beairsto.

Benjamin Beairsto1

M, #11434, b. circa 1789, d. 27 October 1865
Last Edited22 Dec 2019
Birth*Benjamin Beairsto was born circa 1789.1 
Marriage*He married Rebecca Murchland
Death*Benjamin Beairsto died on 27 October 1865.1 
Burial*He was buried in the People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.53013,-63.68743.
Inscription: in Memory / of / Benjamin Beairsto / Died / Oct. 27, 1865. / Æt. 76. / Also his wife / Rebecca / died Nov. 24, 1864 / Æt. 73.1,2

Tombstone, Benjamin Beairsto (c1789-1865)l, his wife Rebecca Murchland (c1791-1864). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Child of Benjamin Beairsto and Rebecca Murchland


  1. [S7735] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  2. [S14374] Cemetery marker, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Benjamin Beairsto & Rebecca Murchland, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 4 September 2019.

Benjamin Beairsto

M, #17050
FatherJohnson Beairsto
Last Edited16 Apr 2001
Benjamin Beairsto was the son of Johnson Beairsto

Child of Benjamin Beairsto

Bertha May Beairsto1

F, #98041, b. 19 January 1887, d. 20 April 1971
FatherDuncan Beairsto1,2 b. 22 Aug 1847, d. 1926
MotherJoanna Wallace1,2 b. 1 Jul 1857, d. 28 Jun 1919
Relationship2nd cousin 3 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited15 Sep 2018
Name-ComBertha May Beairsto is commonly known as Bertha Beairsto.2,3 
Birth*She was born on 19 January 1887 in Black Horse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
She was the daughter of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace.1,2 
BaptismBertha May Beairsto was baptized on 8 December 1887 in the United Church, Margate, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada; the officiating clergyman was C. W. Hamilton.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdShe was enumerated on the census of 11 April 1891 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 43) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), their children Lucy (age 11), Amelia (age 7), Esther (age 6), Bertha (age 4), William (age 2) and Charles (age 9 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.4
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdBertha May Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 9 May 1901 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.2
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdBertha May Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 12 June 1911 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 63) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 52), their children Grace (age 26), Bertha (age 23), Preston (age 22), Fred (age 20), Minnie (age 17) and James (age 10)). Duncan was a farmer, Bertha scaler in a lobster factory and Fred a fisherman. The family religion was Presbyterian.3
Marriage*Bertha May Beairsto married William James Brander.5 
Death*Bertha May Beairsto died on 20 April 1971, at age 84.5 
Burial*She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Inscription: William James Brander / July 27, 1891 - May 27, 1969 / His Wife / Bertha Mae Beairsto / Jan. 19, 1887 - April 20, 1971.5,6
Tombstone, William James Brander (1891-1969), his wife Bertha Mae Beairsto (1887-1971). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Children of Bertha May Beairsto and William James Brander


  1. [S7731] Baptism transcription - Bertha May Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Margate, Prince Edward Island, Book 2, Page 38-39, (8 December 1887). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  2. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S8529] 1911 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #43, 12-13 June 1911, Microfilm, LAC microfilm T-20326 to T-20460. Lot 18, District #140, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  4. [S7741] 1891 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #38, 11 April 1891, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Page 9. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  5. [S7737] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Bertha Mae Beairsto Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  6. [S9843] Cemetery marker, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. William James Brander & Bertha Mae Beairsto, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 13 August 2014.
  7. [S7740] Baptism transcription - Lucy Madge Brander, PARO Baptismal Index, Princetown United Church, Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, Book 2, Page 162, (7 December 1921). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  8. [S1345] Preserving the Wallace Family 1758-1988, Roy Ashley Wallace, compiler, (Prince Edward Island, Canada: Privately published, after 1988), Page 219. Hereinafter cited as Preserving the Wallace Family 1758-1988.

Calvin Beairsto

M, #19606
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Calvin Beairsto and Adelaide Howard

Charles E. Beairsto1

M, #106652, b. circa 1915
FatherWilliam Preston Beairsto1 b. 16 Sep 1888, d. 7 Nov 1985
MotherCatherine Champion1 b. 25 Nov 1887, d. 8 Jul 1970
Relationship3rd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited15 Feb 2017
Birth*Charles E. Beairsto was born circa 1915 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of William Preston Beairsto and Catherine Champion.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdCharles E. Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 73) were his sister Catherine Beairsto (age 78), Duncan's son Preston (age 32), his wife Catherine Champion (age 33), their children Charles (age 6), Esther (age 3) and Frances (age 1). Duncan and Preston were farmers. The family religion was Presbyterian.1 

Child of Charles E. Beairsto


  1. [S10942] 1921 Canada Census, Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Duncan Beairsto Household #18, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Census Place: Indian River, Page Number 3. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  2. [S8815] Tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. William Preston Beairsto, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 16 August 2013.

Charles Frederick Beairsto1

M, #98043, b. 11 July 1890, d. 1973
FatherDuncan Beairsto1,2 b. 22 Aug 1847, d. 1926
MotherJoanna Wallace1,2 b. 1 Jul 1857, d. 28 Jun 1919
Relationship2nd cousin 3 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited7 Aug 2013
Name-ComalsoCharles Frederick Beairsto is also commonly known as Frederick Beairsto.3 
Name-ComHe is commonly known as Charles Beairsto.2 
Birth*He was born on 11 July 1890 in residence, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
He was the son of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace.1,2 
BaptismCharles Frederick Beairsto was baptized on 2 December 1890 in the United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada; the officiating clergyman was William Harrison.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdHe was enumerated on the census of 11 April 1891 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 43) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), their children Lucy (age 11), Amelia (age 7), Esther (age 6), Bertha (age 4), William (age 2) and Charles (age 9 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.4
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdCharles Frederick Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 9 May 1901 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.2
Name-ComCharles Frederick Beairsto is commonly known as Fred Beairsto, in 1911.5 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdHe was enumerated on the census of 12 June 1911 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 63) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 52), their children Grace (age 26), Bertha (age 23), Preston (age 22), Fred (age 20), Minnie (age 17) and James (age 10)). Duncan was a farmer, Bertha scaler in a lobster factory and Fred a fisherman. The family religion was Presbyterian.5
Marriage*Charles Frederick Beairsto married Frances Belle Mountain, daughter of David Mountain and Hannah Bell Champion.3 
Death*Charles Frederick Beairsto died in 1973.3 
Burial*He was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.52989,-63.68760. Section B, row 31, #599.
Inscription: C. Frederick Beairsto / 1890 - 1973 / Fannie B. Mountain / Beloved wife of / Fred Beairsto / 1892 - 1922 / BEAIRSTO.3,6
Tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Charles Frederick Beairsto (1890-1973), his wife Fannie B. Mountain (1892-1922).
Front inscription.

Family: Charles Frederick Beairsto and Frances Belle Mountain


  1. [S7732] Baptism transcription - Charles Frederick Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 175, (2 December 1890). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  2. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S7736] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  4. [S7741] 1891 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #38, 11 April 1891, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Page 9. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  5. [S8529] 1911 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #43, 12-13 June 1911, Microfilm, LAC microfilm T-20326 to T-20460. Lot 18, District #140, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  6. [S8528] Cemetery tombstone. Frederick Beairsto & Fannie Mountain, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 25 July 2013.

Christina Beairsto1

F, #103019, b. 1859, d. 1947
Last Edited29 Nov 2018
Birth*Christina Beairsto was born in 1859.1 
Marriage*She married James Amos Davison, son of Andrew Davison and Mary Jane Blaney.1 
(Interred) BurialChristina Beairsto was buried in the plot of Andrew Davison, in Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.49429,-63.50749.
Inscription: In / Memory of / Mary Jane Blaney / Wife of / Andrew Davison / Born / Jan. 2, 1828, / Died / Jan. 17, 1909 / DAVISON
Left: Andrew Davison / Died / Mar. 29, 1915, / ÆT. 82.
Right: In Loving / Memory of / James Amos Davison / Born / Nov. 15, 1863, / Died Dec. 26, 1942
Back: Christina Beairsto / Wife of / James Amos Davison / 1868 - 1946.2

Death*Christina Beairsto died in 1947.1 

Family: Christina Beairsto and James Amos Davison


  1. [S7858] Cemetery Transcript, Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Prince Edward Island, Andrew Davison family PEIGS Publication Lot 21-2,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of David Arthur Walker,.
  2. [S13438] Cemetery marker, Geddie Memorial Cemetery, Springbrook, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Andrew Davison family plot, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 8 August 2018.

Donald MacNutt Beairsto1,2

M, #45024, b. 13 September 1934, d. 12 October 1997
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Billiou & Aimee
Descendants of Thomas Hooper & Margaret Poole
Descendants of John Stillwell Sr.
Descendants of John Townsend & Catherine Abel
Last Edited2 Mar 2013
Birth*Donald MacNutt Beairsto was born on 13 September 1934.1 
Marriage*He married Leila Joan Townsend, daughter of Frank Wilson Townsend and Verna Mae Bernard, in Trinity United Church manse, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
Death*Donald MacNutt Beairsto died on 12 October 1997, at age 63.1 
Burial*He was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.53064,-63.68635. The funeral was held at Trinity United Church Cemetery, Summerside.
Inscription: BEAIRSTO / Donald M. Beairsto / Sept. 13, 1934 - Oct. 12, 1997 / His Wife / Leila J. Townsend / July 27, 1934 - Sept. 3, 2003
Tombstone, Donald M. Beairsto (1934-1997), his wife Leila J. Townsend (1934-2003). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Family: Donald MacNutt Beairsto and Leila Joan Townsend


  1. [S6236] Cemetery Marker - Donald M. Beairsto. Donald M. Beairsto & Leila J. Townsend, tombstone inscription; David A. Walker, 4 August 2011.
  2. [S8100] Correspondence with Fran (Townsend) Salsman, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).

Duncan Beairsto1

M, #97667, b. 22 August 1847, d. 1926
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited15 Feb 2017
Name Variation Duncan Beairsto is also known as Duncan Bearisto; his surname appears as Bearisto or Beairsto on various baptism records of his children as well as various census returns.2 
Birth*He was born on 22 August 1847 in Prince Edward Island.3,4 
Marriage*He married Joanna Wallace, daughter of George Gued Wallace and Euphemia McLellan, on 27 November 1879, in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. They were married by license, by Rev. T. J. Dunstadt. Witnesses were Rebecca Dunstadt and Mrs. John Reid. Recorded 3 August 1881.5,1
Marriage Registration, Duncan Beairsto and Joannah Wallace, 27 August 1879.
Census HeadHousehold*Duncan Beairsto was head of the household in the census of 1881 in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 33) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), and their daughter Lucy (age 1). Duncan was a farmer. The family religion was Presbyterian.2
1881 Canada Census, Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Household of Duncan Bearisto/Beairsto, his wife Joanna Wallace, their daughter Lucy.
Census HeadHouseholdHe was head of the household in the census of 11 April 1891 in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 43) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), their children Lucy (age 11), Amelia (age 7), Esther (age 6), Bertha (age 4), William (age 2) and Charles (age 9 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.6
1891 Canada Census, Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Household of Duncan Bearisto/Beairsto, his wife Joanna Wallace, their children Lucy, Amelia, Esther, Bertha, William and Charles.
Census HeadHouseholdHe was head of the household in the census of 9 May 1901 in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.7
1901 Canada Census, Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Household of Duncan Beairsto, his wife Joanna Wallace, their children Lucy, Amelia, Esther, Bertha, William, Charles, Minnie and James.
Census HeadHouseholdHe was head of the household in the census of 12 June 1911 in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 63) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 52), their children Grace (age 26), Bertha (age 23), Preston (age 22), Fred (age 20), Minnie (age 17) and James (age 10)). Duncan was a farmer, Bertha scaler in a lobster factory and Fred a fisherman. The family religion was Presbyterian.8
1911 Canada Census, Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Household of Duncan Beairsto, his wife Joanna Wallace, their children Esther Grace, Bertha May, William Preston, Charles Frederick, Minnie and James.
Census HeadHouseholdHe was head of the household in the census of 1921 in Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 73) were his sister Catherine Beairsto (age 78), Duncan's son Preston (age 32), his wife Catherine Champion (age 33), their children Charles (age 6), Esther (age 3) and Frances (age 1). Duncan and Preston were farmers. The family religion was Presbyterian.9 
Death*He died in 1926.3 
Burial*He was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.52982,-63.68768.
Inscription: BEAIRSTO / Duncan Beairsto / 1847-1926 / His wife / Joanna Wallace / 1858-1919 / At Rest.3,10

Tombstone, Duncan Beairsto (1847-1926) and his wife Joanna Wallace (1858-1919), Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island.

Children of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace


  1. [S1345] Preserving the Wallace Family 1758-1988, Roy Ashley Wallace, compiler, (Prince Edward Island, Canada: Privately published, after 1988), p. 165.. Hereinafter cited as Preserving the Wallace Family 1758-1988.
  2. [S7727] 1881 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #129, 1881, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm C-13162, Page 34. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S4191] Cemetery Transcripts Central Bedeque United-Baptist Cemetery: Duncan Beairsto, Duncan Beairsto Published transcripts,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  4. [S7671] Pat Allan, Family records, Personal files.
  5. [S6487] Marriage Register Book - Duncan Beairsto & Joannah Wallace, Duncan Beairsto & Joannah Wallace marriage, 27 Nov. 1879, PARO, Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Vital Statistics R.G. 19, Series 3 Marriage Records, Subseries 3 Marriage Registers, Vol. 10 1878-1888.
  6. [S7741] 1891 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #38, 11 April 1891, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Page 9. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  7. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  8. [S8529] 1911 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #43, 12-13 June 1911, Microfilm, LAC microfilm T-20326 to T-20460. Lot 18, District #140, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  9. [S10942] 1921 Canada Census, Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Duncan Beairsto Household #18, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Census Place: Indian River, Page Number 3. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  10. [S4409] Marker - Duncan Beairsto. Duncan Beairsto, Tombstone inscription; David Arthur Walker, 15 July 2010.
  11. [S7733] Baptism transcription - Lucy Jane Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Kensington, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 27, (16 December 1880). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  12. [S7734] Baptism transcription - Mary Amelia Beairsto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Kensington, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 32, (6 April 1883). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  13. [S7728] Baptism transcription - Amelia Helena Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Indian River, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 204, (29 January 1910). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  14. [S7731] Baptism transcription - Bertha May Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Margate, Prince Edward Island, Book 2, Page 38-39, (8 December 1887). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  15. [S7730] Baptism transcription - William Preston Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Margate, Prince Edward Island, Book 2, Page 42-43, (9 January 1889). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  16. [S7732] Baptism transcription - Charles Frederick Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 175, (2 December 1890). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  17. [S7729] Baptism transcription - Mary Beatrice Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Margate, Prince Edward Island, Book 3, Page 112-113, (10 May 1899). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.

Edwin Archibald Beairsto

M, #15201, b. 10 December 1901
FatherCalvin Beairsto
MotherAdelaide Howard
Last Edited2 Mar 2007
Birth*Edwin Archibald Beairsto was born on 10 December 1901 in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
He was the son of Calvin Beairsto and Adelaide Howard
Marriage*Edwin Archibald Beairsto married Henrietta Elizabeth Lawless, daughter of James Lawless and Annie Somers, on 19 May 1925, in Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Family: Edwin Archibald Beairsto and Henrietta Elizabeth Lawless

Elizabeth Beairsto1

F, #70617
FatherThomas Theophilus Beairsto1 b. 22 Oct 1838, d. 17 Dec 1917
MotherFrances Dickie1 b. 5 Jul 1846, d. 29 Jan 1929
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Elizabeth Beairsto was the daughter of Thomas Theophilus Beairsto and Frances Dickie.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Elizabeth R. Beairsto1,2

F, #108828, b. 9 April 1898, d. 23 February 1990
Last Edited22 Dec 2019
Birth*Elizabeth R. Beairsto was born on 9 April 1898.2 
Marriage*She married Earle MacKay.1 
Death*Elizabeth R. Beairsto died on 23 February 1990, at age 91.2 
Burial*She was buried in the People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.53022,-63.68714.
Inscription: MACKAY / In Memory of / A. Earl MacKay / April 28, 1895 - July 4, 1977 / His Wife / Elizabeth R. Beairsto / April 9, 1898 - Feb. 23, 1990.2,3

Tombstone, A. Earl MacKay (1895-1977), his wife Elizabeth R. Beairsto (1898-1990). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Child of Elizabeth R. Beairsto and Earle MacKay


  1. [S12674] Death Notices ~ Barbara Joyce Murray RN, Davison Funeral Home, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  2. [S7735] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  3. [S14364] Cemetery marker, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. A. Earl MacKay and Elizabeth R. Beairsto, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 4 September 2019.

Emma Beairsto1

F, #96946, b. 1876, d. 1939
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto1 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMary Eliza Walker1 b. 15 Dec 1834, d. 13 Mar 1883
Relationship2nd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of David Walker & Margaret Hetherington
Last Edited5 May 2020
Birth*Emma Beairsto was born in 1876.1 
She was the daughter of George Aitken Beairsto and Mary Eliza Walker.1 
(Daughter) Census HeadHouseholdEmma Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 4 April 1881 in the household of George Aitken Beairsto, as a daughter, in Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. The spelling of his surname was entered as Beoristoe in the 1881 census return. Enumerated in the household of George Beairsto (age 49) were his wife, Mary Walker (age 43), their children, Willie (age 7) and Emma (age 5). George's occupation was "not given". The family religion was Presbyterian.2
Death*Emma Beairsto died in 1939.1 
Burial*She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.40573,-63.77743.
Inscription: BEAIRSTO / In Loving / memory of / Emma / Daughter of / George A. & / Mary E. Beairsto / 1876-1939.1

Tombstone, Emma Beairsto (1876-1939). Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Front inscription detail.


  1. [S3782] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside. Emma Beairsto, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 22 August 2009.
  2. [S3780] 1881 Canada Census, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, household #379 of George A. Beairsto, 4 April 1881, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm C-13162, Page 85, Line 10. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Ernest Beairsto1

M, #96953, b. 1879
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto1 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMary Eliza Walker1 b. 15 Dec 1834, d. 13 Mar 1883
Relationship2nd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of David Walker & Margaret Hetherington
Last Edited26 Oct 2009
Birth*Ernest Beairsto was born in 1879 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of George Aitken Beairsto and Mary Eliza Walker.1 
(Son) Census HeadHouseholdErnest Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 21 May 1891 in the household of George Aitken Beairsto, as a son, in Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Enumerated in the household of George Bearisto (age 59) were his second wife, Margaretta Binns (age 38), children by his first wife, Ernest (age 12), Percy (age 10) & Jessy (age 8), and children by his second marriage, Thomas (age 6), Otto (age 3), Eva (age 2) and George (age 4 months). The family religion was Presbyterian.1


  1. [S3783] 1891 Canada Census, Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, household #517 George A. Beairsto, 6 April 1891, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Pages 111-112. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Esther G. Beairsto1

F, #106653, b. circa 1918
FatherWilliam Preston Beairsto1 b. 16 Sep 1888, d. 7 Nov 1985
MotherCatherine Champion1 b. 25 Nov 1887, d. 8 Jul 1970
Relationship3rd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited20 Mar 2016
Birth*Esther G. Beairsto was born circa 1918 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
She was the daughter of William Preston Beairsto and Catherine Champion.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdEsther G. Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 73) were his sister Catherine Beairsto (age 78), Duncan's son Preston (age 32), his wife Catherine Champion (age 33), their children Charles (age 6), Esther (age 3) and Frances (age 1). Duncan and Preston were farmers. The family religion was Presbyterian.1 


  1. [S10942] 1921 Canada Census, Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Duncan Beairsto Household #18, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Census Place: Indian River, Page Number 3. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Esther Grace Beairsto1

F, #98040, b. 28 February 1885, d. 30 September 1964
FatherDuncan Beairsto2 b. 22 Aug 1847, d. 1926
MotherJoanna Wallace2 b. 1 Jul 1857, d. 28 Jun 1919
Relationship2nd cousin 3 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited24 Feb 2015
Birth*Esther Grace Beairsto was born on 28 February 1885 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.2 
She was the daughter of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace.2 
Name-ComEsther Grace Beairsto is commonly known as Esther Beairsto, in 1891.3,2 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdShe was enumerated on the census of 11 April 1891 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 43) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), their children Lucy (age 11), Amelia (age 7), Esther (age 6), Bertha (age 4), William (age 2) and Charles (age 9 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.3
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdEsther Grace Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 9 May 1901 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.2
Name-ComEsther Grace Beairsto is commonly known as Grace Beairsto, in 1911.4 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdShe was enumerated on the census of 12 June 1911 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 63) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 52), their children Grace (age 26), Bertha (age 23), Preston (age 22), Fred (age 20), Minnie (age 17) and James (age 10)). Duncan was a farmer, Bertha scaler in a lobster factory and Fred a fisherman. The family religion was Presbyterian.4
Marriage*Esther Grace Beairsto married Parmenas Phillips.1 
Death*Esther Grace Beairsto died on 30 September 1964, at age 79.1 
Burial*She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Inscription: PHILLIPS / Parmenas Phillips / May 22, 1889 - July 22, 1978 / His Wife / Esther Grace Beairsto / Feb. 28, 1885 - Sept. 30, 1964 / Ever Remembered - Ever Loved.1,5
Tombstone, Parmenas Phillips (1889-1978), his wife Esther Grace Beairsto (1885-1964). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Family: Esther Grace Beairsto and Parmenas Phillips


  1. [S7738] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Esther Grace Beairsto Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  2. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S7741] 1891 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #38, 11 April 1891, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Page 9. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  4. [S8529] 1911 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #43, 12-13 June 1911, Microfilm, LAC microfilm T-20326 to T-20460. Lot 18, District #140, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  5. [S9842] Cemetery marker, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Parmenas Phillips & Esther Grace Beairsto, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 13 August 2014.

Evangeline McNevin Beairsto1

F, #96948, b. 9 September 1889
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto2 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMargaretta LeDret Binns2 b. 2 Jul 1852, d. 1919
Last Edited10 Nov 2012
Name-ComEvangeline McNevin Beairsto is commonly known as Eva.2 
Birth*She was born on 9 September 1889 in home, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
She was the daughter of George Aitken Beairsto and Margaretta LeDret Binns.2 
(Daughter) Census HeadHouseholdEva Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 21 May 1891 in the household of George Aitken Beairsto, as a daughter, in Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Enumerated in the household of George Bearisto (age 59) were his second wife, Margaretta Binns (age 38), children by his first wife, Ernest (age 12), Percy (age 10) & Jessy (age 8), and children by his second marriage, Thomas (age 6), Otto (age 3), Eva (age 2) and George (age 4 months). The family religion was Presbyterian.2
BaptismEvangeline McNevin Beairsto was baptized on 2 August 1893 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.355952,-63.124992; the officiating clergyman was Rev. W. Hamlyn.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdShe was enumerated on the census of 1 June 1901 in the household of Margaret Glover in Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Margaret was a widow at the time of the 1901 census, however, her husband is not known at this time. The only other person in the household was 11 year old Eva Beairsto, daughter of George A. and Margaretta Beairsto. Eva's relationship was entered as "adopted". There were also three boarders.3


  1. [S3784] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Evangeline M. Beairsto, St. Paul's Anglican Church , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 174.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Evangeline M. Beairsto.
  2. [S3783] 1891 Canada Census, Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, household #517 George A. Beairsto, 6 April 1891, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Pages 111-112. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S3787] 1901 Canada Census, Summerside, District Prince, Prince Edward Island, household #97 of Margaret Glover, 1 June 1901, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6509, Page 10. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Frances Beairsto1

F, #106654, b. circa 1920
FatherWilliam Preston Beairsto1 b. 16 Sep 1888, d. 7 Nov 1985
MotherCatherine Champion1 b. 25 Nov 1887, d. 8 Jul 1970
Relationship3rd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited20 Mar 2016
Birth*Frances Beairsto was born circa 1920 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
She was the daughter of William Preston Beairsto and Catherine Champion.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdFrances Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 73) were his sister Catherine Beairsto (age 78), Duncan's son Preston (age 32), his wife Catherine Champion (age 33), their children Charles (age 6), Esther (age 3) and Frances (age 1). Duncan and Preston were farmers. The family religion was Presbyterian.1 


  1. [S10942] 1921 Canada Census, Indian River, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Duncan Beairsto Household #18, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Census Place: Indian River, Page Number 3. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Frances Ann Beairsto1

F, #70700
FatherAlbert Beairsto1 b. 8 Jan 1837, d. 31 Jul 1919
MotherMary Jane Ives1 b. 4 Sep 1848, d. 18 Jan 1909
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Frances Ann Beairsto was the daughter of Albert Beairsto and Mary Jane Ives.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

George Beairsto1

M, #96955, b. December 1890, d. 18 August 1891
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto1 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMargaretta LeDret Binns1 b. 2 Jul 1852, d. 1919
Last Edited26 Oct 2009
Birth*George Beairsto was born in December 1890 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of George Aitken Beairsto and Margaretta LeDret Binns.1 
(Son) Census HeadHouseholdGeorge Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 21 May 1891 in the household of George Aitken Beairsto, as a son, in Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Enumerated in the household of George Bearisto (age 59) were his second wife, Margaretta Binns (age 38), children by his first wife, Ernest (age 12), Percy (age 10) & Jessy (age 8), and children by his second marriage, Thomas (age 6), Otto (age 3), Eva (age 2) and George (age 4 months). The family religion was Presbyterian.1
Death*George Beairsto died on 18 August 1891, in Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.2 
Burial*He was buried in the People's Cemetery, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.2 


  1. [S3783] 1891 Canada Census, Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, household #517 George A. Beairsto, 6 April 1891, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Pages 111-112. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  2. [S3788] Karin Allan & Dave Hunter, online (The Island Register web site).

George Beairsto1

M, #107366
Last Edited13 Dec 2016
Marriage*George Beairsto married Margaret Riley.1 

Child of George Beairsto and Margaret Riley


  1. [S11453] Correspondence with Georg Vernon Storm Jorgensen, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).

George Aitken Beairsto1,2

M, #667, b. circa 1831, d. 7 November 1900
ChartsDescendants of David Walker & Margaret Hetherington
Last Edited7 Mar 2021
Name-ComGeorge Aitken Beairsto is commonly known as George Beairsto.3 
Birth*He was born circa 1831 in Prince Edward Island.4,2 
(First) Marriage*He married first Mary Eliza Walker, daughter of David Walker Jr. and Janet Glover, on 13 January 1869 in Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, by license, Robt. Patterson, Minister. Witnesses James M'Leod & John A. Lord. Recorded 27 Jan. 1869, C. Young, Surrogate. Marriages 1867-1871, Book #11, P. 100.

"Married: At Summerside on the 13th ult. by the Rev. R.S. Patterson, Mr. George A. Bearisto, of Summerside, to Mary E., third daughter of Mr. David Walker, Kensington".5,6 [The Islander, 5 Feb. 1869, p.3; Summerside Journal, 21 January 1869.]
Marriage Registration, George A. Beairsto and Mary Eliza Walker.
Census HeadHousehold*George Aitken Beairsto was head of the household in the census of 4 April 1881 in Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. The spelling of his surname was entered as Beoristoe in the 1881 census return. Enumerated in the household of George Beairsto (age 49) were his wife, Mary Walker (age 43), their children, Willie (age 7) and Emma (age 5). George's occupation was "not given". The family religion was Presbyterian.4
1881 Canada Census, George A. Beairsto, wife Mary Eliza (Walker), son William and daughter Emma.
(Second) Marriage*He married second Margaretta LeDret Binns.7 
Census HeadHouseholdGeorge Aitken Beairsto was head of the household in the census of 21 May 1891 in Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Enumerated in the household of George Bearisto (age 59) were his second wife, Margaretta Binns (age 38), children by his first wife, Ernest (age 12), Percy (age 10) & Jessy (age 8), and children by his second marriage, Thomas (age 6), Otto (age 3), Eva (age 2) and George (age 4 months). The family religion was Presbyterian.7
1891 Canada Census, George Beairsto, second wife Margaretta and seven children.
Death*He died on 7 November 1900.8,2 
(Interred) BurialHe was buried in the plot of William Scott Beairsto, in the Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.40570,-63.77745. Square sandstone obelisk.
Inscription: In Loving / Remembrance / William Scott / Beairsto / Died June 21, 1911. / AET. 37. / Also His Son / Otto Scott / Died May 9, 1910 / AET. 3 Yr. 7 mos. / BEAIRSTO.
Left: Blank
Right: Gone Home / Otto Binns / son of George A. / & Margaret / Beairsto, / Died Nov. 2, 1902 / AET. 14.
Back: In / Memory of / George A. Beairsto / Died / Nov. 7, 1900 / AET. 69. / Also His Wife / Mary E. Walker / Died / Mar. 12, 1883. AET. 47.3

Children of George Aitken Beairsto and Mary Eliza Walker

Children of George Aitken Beairsto and Margaretta LeDret Binns


  1. [S3784] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Evangeline M. Beairsto, St. Paul's Anglican Church , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 174.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Evangeline M. Beairsto.
  2. [S2786] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. George A. Beairsto, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 14 July 2004.
  3. [S3779] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. William Scott Beairsto family plot, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 22 August 2009.
  4. [S3780] 1881 Canada Census, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, household #379 of George A. Beairsto, 4 April 1881, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm C-13162, Page 85, Line 10. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  5. [S2216] Marriage Certificate - Mary E. Walker & George A. Beairsto, George A. Beairsto & Mary Eliza Walker marriage, PARO, Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Microfilm.
  6. [S2454] Married: George A. Bearisto & Mary Eliza Walker, The Islander: Marriage Announcement: George A. Bearisto & Mary Eliza Walker, The Islander, 5 Feb. 1869, Page 3, Col. 1 (PARO microfilm). Hereinafter cited as The Islander: Marriage Announcement: George A. Bearisto & Mary Eliza Walker.
  7. [S3783] 1891 Canada Census, Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, household #517 George A. Beairsto, 6 April 1891, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Pages 111-112. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  8. [S2762] Marker Inscription, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Marker Inscription, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Vol. 17-4 (2003), Library of North Bedeque Cemetery, North Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  9. [S3782] Cemetery Marker, Peoples Cemetery, Summerside. Emma Beairsto, tombstone inscription & photograph; documented by David A. Walker, 22 August 2009.
  10. [S3786] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Aubrey Major Beairsto, St. Paul's Anglican Church , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 174.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Aubrey Major Beairsto.

Grace Beairsto

F, #17087, b. 10 June 1918, d. 5 January 2002
Last Edited13 Jan 2014
Birth*Grace Beairsto was born on 10 June 1918.1 
Marriage*She married Glenwood E. Adams, son of Earle Adams and Ada May Paynter.1 
Death*Grace Beairsto died on 5 January 2002, at age 83.1 
Burial*She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.53051,-63.68657.
Inscription: ADAMS / Glenwood E. Adams / Oct. 29, 1920 - Sept. 21, 2010 / His Wife / Grace E. Beairsto / June 10, 1918 - Jan. 5, 2002 / Their son / Lawrence John / March 9 - 18, 1958.
Back: ADAMS.1
Tombstone, Glenwood E. Adams (1920-2010), his wife Grace E. Beairsto (1918-2002), their son Lawrence John (1958-1958). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Child of Grace Beairsto and Glenwood E. Adams


  1. [S8742] Tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Glenwood E. Adams & Grace E. Beairsto, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 12 August 2013.

Hannah Agnes Beairsto1

F, #70613
FatherThomas Theophilus Beairsto1 b. 22 Oct 1838, d. 17 Dec 1917
MotherFrances Dickie1 b. 5 Jul 1846, d. 29 Jan 1929
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Hannah Agnes Beairsto was the daughter of Thomas Theophilus Beairsto and Frances Dickie.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Henry Allen Beairsto1

M, #70615, b. 14 January 1876, d. 29 January 1876
FatherThomas Theophilus Beairsto1 b. 22 Oct 1838, d. 17 Dec 1917
MotherFrances Dickie1 b. 5 Jul 1846, d. 29 Jan 1929
Last Edited14 Jan 2008
Birth*Henry Allen Beairsto was born on 14 January 1876.1 
He was the son of Thomas Theophilus Beairsto and Frances Dickie.1 
Death*Henry Allen Beairsto died on 29 January 1876.1 
Burial*He was buried in Union Corner Cemetery, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Ida Beairsto1

F, #70702
FatherAlbert Beairsto1 b. 8 Jan 1837, d. 31 Jul 1919
MotherMary Jane Ives1 b. 4 Sep 1848, d. 18 Jan 1909
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Ida Beairsto was the daughter of Albert Beairsto and Mary Jane Ives.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Isabelle Beairsto

F, #11704, b. 11 February 1858, d. 1934
Last Edited22 Feb 2014
Birth*Isabelle Beairsto was born on 11 February 1858 in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Marriage*She married James Woodside, son of Benjamin Woodside and Martha Beairsto.1 
Death*Isabelle Beairsto died in 1934, in Lot 18, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Burial*She was buried in Princetown Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.52981,-63.68716.
WOODSIDE / James Woodside, 1852 - 1919 / Lost at Sea / His Wife / Isabelle Beairsto 1858 - 1934 / Charles B. Woodside / 1878 - 1961 / His Beloved Wife / Mary J. Harding / 1887 - 1975 / Muriel Blanche, 1918 - 1919 / James Charles, 1922 - 1940.1
Tombstone, James Woodside (1852-1919), his wife Isabelle Beairsto (1858-1934), their son Charles B. Woodside (1878-1961), his wife Mary J. Harding (1887-1975), their children Muriel Blanche (1918-1919) & James Charles (1922-1940). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Children of Isabelle Beairsto and James Woodside


  1. [S9016] Cemetery marker, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. James Woodside & Isabelle Beairsto, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 13 August 2013.

Ivan J. Beairsto1

M, #111508, b. 23 May 1950, d. 19 December 2014
FatherJohn William Beairsto2 b. 1907, d. 1988
MotherElla Beatrice Arthur2 b. 1912, d. 2000
Last Edited25 Feb 2021
Birth*Ivan J. Beairsto was born on 23 May 1950 in Alberton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.2,1 
He was the son of John William Beairsto and Ella Beatrice Arthur.2 
Death*Ivan J. Beairsto died on 19 December 2014, at age 64, in Prince County Hospital, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.418658,-63.777325.2 
Burial*He was buried in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Valley, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 


  1. [S10521] Cemetery Transcripts, Floral Hills Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Pleasant Valley, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, transcription, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Volume 21-7 (2005), Library of David Arthur Walker,.
  2. [S14035] Death Notices, Davison Funeral Home, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

James E. Beairsto1

M, #98045, b. 12 October 1900
FatherDuncan Beairsto1 b. 22 Aug 1847, d. 1926
MotherJoanna Wallace1 b. 1 Jul 1857, d. 28 Jun 1919
Relationship2nd cousin 3 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited17 Jul 2010
Birth*James E. Beairsto was born on 12 October 1900 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdJames E. Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 9 May 1901 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.1
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdJames E. Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 12 June 1911 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 63) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 52), their children Grace (age 26), Bertha (age 23), Preston (age 22), Fred (age 20), Minnie (age 17) and James (age 10)). Duncan was a farmer, Bertha scaler in a lobster factory and Fred a fisherman. The family religion was Presbyterian.2


  1. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  2. [S8529] 1911 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #43, 12-13 June 1911, Microfilm, LAC microfilm T-20326 to T-20460. Lot 18, District #140, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

James Harold Beairsto

M, #17057, b. 30 April 1894, d. September 1961
FatherJohn Keir Beairsto b. 1865, d. 20 Oct 1894
MotherElizabeth Jane Clark b. 15 Mar 1869, d. 9 Nov 1943
Relationship5th cousin 1 time removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Townsend & Catherine Abel
Last Edited22 Jan 2007
Name-ComJames Harold Beairsto is commonly known as Harold. 
Birth*He was born on 30 April 1894 in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
He was the son of John Keir Beairsto and Elizabeth Jane Clark
Death*James Harold Beairsto died in September 1961, at age 67, in Washington, U.S.A.

Jessie Beairsto1

F, #96951, b. 1883
FatherGeorge Aitken Beairsto1 b. c 1831, d. 7 Nov 1900
MotherMary Eliza Walker1 b. 15 Dec 1834, d. 13 Mar 1883
Relationship2nd cousin 2 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of David Walker & Margaret Hetherington
Last Edited26 Oct 2009
Birth*Jessie Beairsto was born in 1883 in Prince Edward Island, Canada; Jessie was born the same year her mother, Mary, died. Perhaps Mary died in childbirth, or shortly afterwards.1 
She was the daughter of George Aitken Beairsto and Mary Eliza Walker.1 
(Daughter) Census HeadHouseholdJessie Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 21 May 1891 in the household of George Aitken Beairsto, as a daughter, in Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Enumerated in the household of George Bearisto (age 59) were his second wife, Margaretta Binns (age 38), children by his first wife, Ernest (age 12), Percy (age 10) & Jessy (age 8), and children by his second marriage, Thomas (age 6), Otto (age 3), Eva (age 2) and George (age 4 months). The family religion was Presbyterian.1


  1. [S3783] 1891 Canada Census, Charlottetown Royalty, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, household #517 George A. Beairsto, 6 April 1891, digital copy of original microfilm document, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Pages 111-112. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

John Beairsto

M, #17046, b. 1832, d. 1876
FatherBenjamin Beairsto
Last Edited10 Aug 2013
Birth*John Beairsto was born in 1832. 
He was the son of Benjamin Beairsto
Marriage*John Beairsto married Johanna Mackay
Death*John Beairsto died in 1876. 

Children of John Beairsto and Johanna Mackay

John Keir Beairsto

M, #14221, b. 1865, d. 20 October 1894
FatherJohn Beairsto b. 1832, d. 1876
MotherJohanna Mackay
ChartsDescendants of John Townsend & Catherine Abel
Last Edited15 Jan 2014
Name-ComJohn Keir Beairsto is commonly known as John Beairsto.1 
Birth*He was born in 1865 in Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
He was the son of John Beairsto and Johanna Mackay
(Groom) Marriage*John Keir Beairsto married Elizabeth Jane Clark, daughter of James Clark and Charity Condley, on 15 February 1893. 
Death*John Keir Beairsto died on 20 October 1894.1 
Burial*He was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.53004,-63.68734.
Inscription: In / Loving Memory / John K. Beairsto / Died / Oct. 20, 1894 / Æt. 29.1
Tombstone, John Keir Beairsto (1865-1894). Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Child of John Keir Beairsto and Elizabeth Jane Clark


  1. [S8765] Tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. John Keir Beairsto & Elizabeth Jane Clark, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 12 August 2013.

John William Beairsto1

M, #70614
FatherThomas Theophilus Beairsto1 b. 22 Oct 1838, d. 17 Dec 1917
MotherFrances Dickie1 b. 5 Jul 1846, d. 29 Jan 1929
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
John William Beairsto was the son of Thomas Theophilus Beairsto and Frances Dickie.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

John William Beairsto1

M, #111509, b. 1907, d. 1988
Last Edited27 Apr 2019
Name-ComJohn William Beairsto is commonly known as John Beairsto.2 
Birth*He was born in 1907.1 
Marriage*He married Ella Beatrice Arthur.2 
Death*John William Beairsto died in 1988.1 
Burial*He was buried in Nazarene & United Cemetery, Elmsdale, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 

Child of John William Beairsto and Ella Beatrice Arthur


  1. [S5687] Published transcripts, Nazarene & United Church Cemetery, Elmsdale, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada; PEIGS, 2008.
  2. [S14035] Death Notices, Davison Funeral Home, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Johnson Beairsto

M, #17051
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Johnson Beairsto

Johnston Beairsto1

M, #99043
Last Edited23 Jan 2011
Marriage*Johnston Beairsto married Ann Hyde.1 

Child of Johnston Beairsto and Ann Hyde


  1. [S5087] Harold Downe, online, Harold Downe.

Joseph Ives Beairsto1

M, #70701
FatherAlbert Beairsto1 b. 8 Jan 1837, d. 31 Jul 1919
MotherMary Jane Ives1 b. 4 Sep 1848, d. 18 Jan 1909
Last Edited11 Mar 2002
Joseph Ives Beairsto was the son of Albert Beairsto and Mary Jane Ives.1 


  1. [S362] Harold Cairns, Electronic Family File, Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island.

Lily Beairsto1

F, #107361, b. 10 April 1822, d. 22 February 1906
FatherGeorge Beairsto1
MotherMargaret Riley1
Last Edited29 Nov 2017
Birth*Lily Beairsto was born on 10 April 1822.1 
She was the daughter of George Beairsto and Margaret Riley.1 
Marriage*Lily Beairsto married Neil McGougan, son of Malcolm McGougan and Catherine MacCallum, on 19 January 1853.1 
Death*Lily Beairsto died on 22 February 1906, at age 83.1 
(Interred) BurialShe was buried in the plot of Malcolm McGougan, in the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.52999,-63.68778.
Inscription: In / Memory of / Malcolm McGougan, / Died / Mar. 12, 1883, / Æt. 97. / Also his wife / Catherine / Died / Mar. 1, 1868, / Æt. 79.
Left: Neil McGougan, / Died / Apr. 29, 1905, / Æt. 84. / Also his wife / Lily / Died / Feb. 28, 1906, / Æt. 84.2

Child of Lily Beairsto and Neil McGougan


  1. [S11453] Correspondence with Georg Vernon Storm Jorgensen, (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
  2. [S7735] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Lucy Jane Beairsto1

F, #98038, b. 25 April 1880, d. 1966
FatherDuncan Beairsto1,2 b. 22 Aug 1847, d. 1926
MotherJoanna Wallace1,2 b. 1 Jul 1857, d. 28 Jun 1919
Relationship2nd cousin 3 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited30 Jul 2013
Name-ComLucy Jane Beairsto is commonly known as Lucy Beairsto.2 
Birth*She was born on 25 April 1880 in Baltic, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
She was the daughter of Duncan Beairsto and Joanna Wallace.1,2 
BaptismLucy Jane Beairsto was baptized on 16 December 1880 in the United Church, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada; the officiating clergyman was W. Maggs.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdShe was enumerated on the census of 1881 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 33) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), and their daughter Lucy (age 1). Duncan was a farmer. The family religion was Presbyterian.3
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdLucy Jane Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 11 April 1891 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 43) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 33), their children Lucy (age 11), Amelia (age 7), Esther (age 6), Bertha (age 4), William (age 2) and Charles (age 9 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.4
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdLucy Jane Beairsto was enumerated on the census of 9 May 1901 in the household of Duncan Beairsto in Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Duncan (age 53) were his wife Joanna Wallace (age 43), their children Lucy (age 19), Amelia (age 17), Esther (age 16), Bertha (age 14), William (age 12), Charles (age 10), Minnie (age 7) and James (age 6 months). Duncan was a miller. The family religion was Presbyterian.2
Marriage*Lucy Jane Beairsto married Charles Lockhart.5 
Death*Lucy Jane Beairsto died in 1966.5 
Burial*She was buried in the Peoples Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.44824,-63.62888. Section F, Row 4, #93.
Inscription: LOCKHART / Charles Lockhart / 1868 - 1965 / His Wife / Lucy Beairsto / 1880 - 1966 / Their Daughter / Amy Grace / 1913 - 1934.5,6
Tombstone, Peoples Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Charles Lockhart (1868-1965), his wife Lucy Beairsto (1880-1966), their daughter Amy Grace (1913-1934).

Child of Lucy Jane Beairsto and Charles Lockhart


  1. [S7733] Baptism transcription - Lucy Jane Bearisto, PARO Baptismal Index, United Church, Kensington, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, Page 27, (16 December 1880). Hereinafter cited as Baptism transcription.
  2. [S4410] 1901 Canada Census - Duncan Beairsto, Household #164, 31 March 1901, Microfilm, T-6510. Lot 18, District #133, Sub-district d-1, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, District Number 133, Subdistrict Number g-1.. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S7727] 1881 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #129, 1881, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm C-13162, Page 34. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  4. [S7741] 1891 Canada Census, of Duncan Bearisto Household #38, 11 April 1891, Microfilm, LAC Microfilm T-6383, Page 9. Lot 18, Prince County, Prince Edward Island. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  5. [S7739] Cemetery Transcriptions: People's Cemetery, Kensington, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Lucy Jane Beairsto Published transcripts, PEIGS,, n.p., unknown volume, Library of Peoples Cemetery (Malpeque), the Peoples Cemetery, Malpeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
  6. [S8510] Cemetery tombstone. Charles Lockhart & Lucy Beairsto, marker inscription; read by David A. Walker, 25 July 2013.

Lulu Beairsto

F, #20785
ChartsDescendants of John Townsend & Catherine Abel
Last Edited20 Mar 2016
MarriageLulu Beairsto married Victor Campbell, son of David Campbell and Eliza Martha Hardy

Family: Lulu Beairsto and Victor Campbell