Haskell Barrett1

M, #91405, b. 1802
MotherJane Stranahan1 b. 25 Dec 1766, d. 9 Mar 1811
Relationship4th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*Haskell Barrett was born in 1802 in Plainfield, Windham County, Connecticut.1 
He was the son of Jane Stranahan.1 


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Hazel Barrett

F, #37515, b. 1914, d. 1999
ChartsDescendants of John Townsend & Catherine Abel
Last Edited27 Sep 2018
Birth*Hazel Barrett was born in 1914.1 
Marriage*She married Amon Burt, son of Everett Burt and Rena Holmes.1 
Death*Hazel Barrett died in 1999.1 
Burial*She was buried in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Valley, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 

Family: Hazel Barrett and Amon Burt


  1. [S10521] Cemetery Transcripts, Floral Hills Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Pleasant Valley, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, transcription, Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, Charlottetown, Volume 21-7 (2005), Library of David Arthur Walker,.

Henry Barrett1

M, #91401, b. 1791
MotherJane Stranahan1 b. 25 Dec 1766, d. 9 Mar 1811
Relationship4th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*Henry Barrett was born in 1791 in Plainfield, Windham County, Connecticut.1 
He was the son of Jane Stranahan.1 


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Jacob Jr Barrett1

M, #91403, b. 1796
MotherJane Stranahan1 b. 25 Dec 1766, d. 9 Mar 1811
Relationship4th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*Jacob Jr Barrett was born in 1796 in Plainfield, Windham County, Connecticut.1 
He was the son of Jane Stranahan.1 


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

James Barrett1

M, #91400, b. 1789
MotherJane Stranahan1 b. 25 Dec 1766, d. 9 Mar 1811
Relationship4th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*James Barrett was born in 1789 in Plainfield, Windham County, Connecticut.1 
He was the son of Jane Stranahan.1 


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Mary Barrett

F, #8608, b. circa 1610, d. 1 June 1660
Mary Dyer (ca. 1610-1660), in Boston Court, featured on the dust cover of the book "Mary Dyer, Biography of a Rebel Quaker", by Ruth Plimpton.
Bronze statue of Mary (Barrett) Dyer, in front of the Boston State House, Boston Common, Massachusetts.
Relationship9th great-grandmother of David Arthur Walker
ChartsAncestors of David Arthur Walker
Descendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited5 Sep 2022
NoteSource: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 94,July 1940, Page 300 The Marriage Record of Mary Dyre The Quaker Martyr - The Parish Registersof St. Martin in the Fields, Liverpool, Lancashire, England, contain thefollowing marriage record: October 27, 1633 Gulielmus Dyer and Maria Barret There seems no doubt that this is the record of the marriage of WilliamDyre (as he consistantly spelled his name) and wife Mary, the Quakermartyr. The date of their marriage was known to be between mid-summer 1633, whenWilliam Dyre's nine-year apprenticeship in London ended, and December1635, when his son Samuel was baptized in Boston in New England. It was through the professional services of Mr. Richard Holworthy ofLondon that the record of William Dyre's apprenticeship was found.Through his efforts, also, the baptismal record of William Dyre wasdiscovered. Therefore, when Mr. Holworthy wrote: 'There seems to me to beno doubt as to the wife of William Dyre and I want to congratulate you onhaving this information,' there need be no hesitation in offering themarriage record for publication. Mary Dyre's maiden name of BARRETT explains why her son Samuel named ason of his, BARRETT Dyer. The Registers of St. Martin-in-the- Fields record the baptism, October24, 1634 of 'William Diar, son of William and Marie,' These records showthat William and Mary Dyre emigrated to America not earlier than verylate in 1634. The details of the baptismal and apprenticeship records of William Dyreand other facts of his life and that of his wife may be found in anarticle written by Mr. William Allan Dyer and published in the RhodeIsland Historical Society's Collections for January 1937. His effortsquite as much as those of the writer made possible the discovery of themarriage record, and it was Mr. Dyer who conducted the correspondencewith Mr. Holworthy. Acknowledgement is also due the Harleian Society ofLondon, as it was from their publication for 1936 that the Parish Recordsof St. Martin-in-the-Fields were obtained. Brookline, Mass. Theresa E. Dyer ================================================================================== Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 104,January 1950, Page 42 THE TRUE STORY OF MARY DYER By G. Andrews Moriarty, A.M., LLB., F.A.S.G., F.S.A. Finally, we are able to prove who Mary Dyer was, thanks to Miss TheresaE. Dyer, of Brookline, Mass., who published in The Register for July 1940(vol. 94, p.300) the marriage record of William and Mary from the parishregister of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London (cf. also Harl. Soc., 1936). On 27 Oct. 1633 William Dyer married Mary BARRET. In this connection itshould be noted that Samuel Dyer, son of William and Mary, named hissixth son BARRETT, obviously for his mother's family (cf. Austin's Gen.Dic. of Rhode Island, p.291.) 
Fact 1* Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 94, July 1940, Page 300 The Marriage Record of Mary Dyre The Quaker Martyr - The Parish Registers of St. Martin in the Fields, Liverpool, Lancashire, England, contain the following marriage record: October 27, 1633 Gulielmus Dyer and Maria Barret There seems no doubt that this is the record of the marriage of William Dyre (as he consistantly spelled his name) and wife Mary, the Quaker martyr. The date of their marriage was known to be between mid-summer 1633, when William Dyre's nine-year apprenticeship in London ended, and December 1635, when his son Samuel was baptized in Boston in New England. It was through the professional services of Mr. Richard Holworthy of London that the record of William Dyre's apprenticeship was found. Through his efforts, also, the baptismal record of William Dyre was discovered. Therefore, when Mr. Holworthy wrote: 'There seems to me to be no doubt as to the wife of William Dyre and I want to congratulate you on having this information,' there need be no hesitation in offering the marriage record for publication. Mary Dyre's maiden name of BARRETT explains why her son Samuel named a son of his, BARRETT Dyer. The Registers of St. Martin-in-the- Fields record the baptism, October 24, 1634 of 'William Diar, son of William and Marie,' These records show that William and Mary Dyre emigrated to America not earlier than very late in 1634. The details of the baptismal and apprenticeship records of William Dyre and other facts of his life and that of his wife may be found in an article written by Mr. William Allan Dyer and published in the Rhode Island Historical Society's Collections for January 1937. His efforts quite as much as those of the writer made possible the discovery of the marriage record, and it was Mr. Dyer who conducted the correspondence with Mr. Holworthy. Acknowledgement is also due the Harleian Society of London, as it was from their publication for 1936 that the Parish Records of St. Martin-in-the-Fields were obtained. Brookline, Mass. Theresa E. Dyer ======================================================================= Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 104, January 1950, Page 42 THE TRUE STORY OF MARY DYER By G. Andrews Moriarty, A.M., LLB., F.A.S.G., F.S.A. Finally, we are able to prove who Mary Dyer was, thanks to Miss Theresa E. Dyer, of Brookline, Mass., who published in The Register for July 1940 (vol. 94, p.300) the marriage record of William and Mary from the parish register of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London (cf. also Harl. Soc., 1936). On 27 Oct. 1633 William Dyer married Mary BARRET. In this connection it should be noted that Samuel Dyer, son of William and Mary, named his sixth son BARRETT, obviously for his mother's family (cf. Austin's Gen. Dic. of Rhode Island, p.291.)1 
Note*Mary Dyer was a colonist from England, and became a martyr to the Quaker faith. With her husband, William, she arrived in Massachusetts about 1635. She later moved to Rhode Island because of religious intolerance. She went back to England for seven years. She was arrested many times for 'bearing witness to her faith.' Finally in Boston, she was charged with 'sedition' convicted, and hanged on June 1, 1660. Mary Dyer allied herself with Anne Hutchinson in the belief that trust in God is more important than obedience laws. Mary Dyer was executed by Puritans for her Quaker teachings in Massachusetts. Today, there is a statue of Mary in front of the Boston, MA State House.2 
Note'The date and place of baptism/birth of Mary Barrett is unknown. About1610 and London is speculative.' [Johan Winsser ] NEHGR Vol 114 p208 'The Story of Jane Hawkins' tells of Jane Hawkins,around 1637-1653 who was banished from the community (Boston) for 'practicing Medicine' to live in the woods. While at Portsmouth, as a mid-wife, she, with Anne Hutchinson, had assisted at the birth of the so-called 'monster' of Mary Dyer.... as related in John Winthrop's 'History of New England' (1853), 2:10-11, 1:313ff The 'Tradition' of Mary Dyer & Lady Arabella Stuart: The April 1944 issue of the New England Historic and Genealogical Society's Register (Vol. 98) published an article by Alice Eugenie Ortizen titled 'Tradition of Mary Dyer, Quaker Martyr' which had been contributed by Mrs. Harry Clark Boden. Mrs. Borden herself stated that there was no proof whatsoever for her theory - simply that it was one conceivable way to account for Mary's early whereabouts. Andrews Moriarty refuted this theory quite soundly in his article, 'TheTrue Story of Mary Dyer' (NEHGS Register) Vol. 104, January 1950). He states that 'no proof is offered that the Lady Arabella ever 'had' issue except a vague statement from Mr. Hardy's (Life of Lady Arabella Stuart) of a rumor that such was the case.' Furthermore, Moriarty points out that 'there never was such a tradition [of this lineage] among Mary Dyer's descendants, but that it was a quite modern story, emanating from an English gentleman, Mr. F. M. Dyer of Macclesfield [sic -]. for 'Frederick Nathaniel' Dyer who was an American - his father was born in Rhode Island- and who moved to England to do research]....who, not so many years ago, sent the story of his beliefs to the descendants of Mary Dyer in this country. ... This 'tradition' does not even have the authority of age ...this being so, the story, without more evidence, is not worthy of serious consideration.' Moriarty further takes the (then) editor of the Register to task for even accepting the article for publication, as it appeared four years after the July, 1940 issue (Vol. 94) which published the marriage record of Mary and William Dyer from the parish register of St.Martin-in-the-Fields, London, which clearly identified her as Mary BARRETT. As for the 'legend' itself, Mary was supposedly the daughter of Lady Arabella Stuart, first cousin of King James, by her 3rd cousin, William Seymour. When Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, she left no heirs and the crown shifted to other descendants of Henry VII. James I was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, a great granddaughter of Henry VII. King James felt threatened by the equal eligibility of his cousin Arabella, daughter of Elizabeth Cavendish and Charles Stuart, James' uncle. (Charles was also a great grandson of Henry VII.) Arabella had no desire to be Queen, but aggressive political suitors from England and France hoped that, by marrying her, they would capture the throne and restore Catholicism to England. King James, made rather anxious by this prospect, prohibited his cousin from marrying anyone. But Arabella fell in love with Sir William Seymour, also a descendant of Henry VII and they were secretly wed in 1610. Within a year, they had a daughter [unsubstantiated], which disturbed King James further, as this marriage doubled Arabella's qualifications to the throne. He ordered Arabella sent to Highgate and William Seymour imprisoned in the Tower of London. Arabella tried to flee Highgate, dressed as a man, but although she escaped from prison she was recaptured on board a ship headed to Calais and sent to the Tower of London where she spent the remaining four yearsof her life. William Seymour escaped to France and when he eventually returned to England after the death of King James, he became tutor to the eleven-year-old Prince of Wales, the future King Charles II. The infant daughter was left in the care of Arabella's lady-in-waiting, Mistress Mary Dyer, who gave her own name to her adopted child and brought her up quietly and reclusively in the country. King James sen tout scouts searching for the child, but was denied information by anyone who was questioned. When Mary was twenty-two years old, she married her foster mother's first cousin William Dyer. [Note: it is not known whether William indeed even had any cousins by the name of Mary.] Mary, wife of William, suffered martyrdom at Boston, May 32, 1660. [Rhode Island Friends Record - Deaths, pg.99] RI Historical Cemeteries Transcription Project Index shows: Mary Dyer, -31 May 1660, Newport, RI (NT600) The Hartford Courant Newspaper, Saturday, March 11, 2000: 'Women who made a difference. Names of the 19 women to be inducted into the Nationa lWomen's Hall of Fame October 7 were announced this week' 'Mary Barret Dyer (birth year unknown-1660) She defied Puritan church autorities in Colonial Boston to gain religious freedom for Quakers. Her death by hanging helped establish the right to worship freely in the Colonies.' 
Name Variation Mary Barrett is also known as Marie Barrett. 
Name Variation Mary Barrett is also known as Mary Dyer.3,4,5 
Birth*She was born circa 1610 in London, Middlesex, England
Alt-Birth DateAn alternate recorded birth date is in 1611.4 
Marriage*She married William Dyer on 27 October 1633, in St. Martin in the Fields, London, England. The parish Register of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, England, contains the following marriage record, "1633 October 27, Gulielmus Dyer & Maria Barret. L".6,7 
Emigration*Mary Barrett and William Dyer emigrated on 18 September 1634 from London, England. They were passengers on the Griffin, with the Hutchinsons. 
Death*Mary Barrett died on 1 June 1660, in Boston Common, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.8,9,10
Bronze statue depicting Mary (Barrett) Dyer, in front of the State House, Boston Common, Massachusetts.
Burial*She was buried in Newport, Rhode Island. Newport, location unknown. Records are lost from Quaker death records.8 

Children of Mary Barrett and William Dyer


  1. [S1842] Unknown compiler, online unknown url.
  2. [S258] Interview with Jim Merritt,. Unknown repository (Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker).
  3. [S91] "Steve Nelson: family history database", Steve Nelson (unknown author address), to David A. Walker (unknown recipient address) Personal Archives of David Arthur Walker. Hereinafter cited as "Steve Nelson: family history database."
  4. [S253] LDS - Family Search web site, online http://www.familysearch.org. Hereinafter cited as LDS - Family Search.
  5. [S2164] The Hull Family in America, Charles H. Weygant, compiler, (Bartlesville, Oklahoma: The Hull Family Association, 1913). Hereinafter cited as The Hull Family in America.
  6. [S1815] Clarence Almon Torrey & Elizabeth Petty Bentley, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985). Hereinafter cited as New England Marriages Prior to 1700.
  7. [S2279] The Registers of St. Martin in the Fields, London, Compendium Set 2: Page 149, (CD 2005). Hereinafter cited as The Registers of St. Martin in the Fields, London.
  8. [S1355] Rhode Island Historical Society, Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries, Transcription Project Index (on-line, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~rigenweb/cemetery/: Rootsweb, on-going project). Hereinafter cited as Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries.
  9. [S1356] James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Births, Marriages & Deaths Vol.7, Friends & Ministers (Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: Narragansett Hist. Pub. Co., 1895). Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.
  10. [S2277] William Grimshaw, History of the United States From Their First Settlement as Colonies to the Period of the Fifth Census in 1830. Chap 4 on New England (Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliott, 1836), Page 58.. Hereinafter cited as History of the United States From Their First Settlement as Colonies to the Period of the Fifth Census in 1830.

Mary Barrett of Boston1

F, #95233, d. 14 July 1753
FatherSamuel Barrett2
ChartsDescendants of Nicholas Coffyn & Joan Thember
Last Edited13 Sep 2017
Mary Barrett of Boston was the daughter of Samuel Barrett.2 
Marriage*Mary Barrett of Boston married Charles Coffin, son of Nathaniel Coffin and Damaris Gayer, on 12 July 1722, in Boston, Massachusetts.2,1 
Death*Mary Barrett of Boston died on 14 July 1753.2 

Children of Mary Barrett of Boston and Charles Coffin


  1. [S2468] Will Gardner, The Coffin Saga ~ Nantucket's Story, from Settlement to Summer Visitors (Nantucket Island, Massachusetts: Whaling Museum Publications, 1949). Hereinafter cited as The Coffin Saga.
  2. [S2499] W.S. Appleton, Gatherings Toward a Genealogy of the Coffin Family (Boston; reprinted in 1984 by the Amundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa: David Clapp & Son, 1896). Hereinafter cited as Gatherings Toward a Genealogy of the Coffin Family.

Noah Barrett

M, #15545
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Noah Barrett and Addie ?

Samuel Barrett1

M, #108264
Last Edited13 Sep 2017

Child of Samuel Barrett


  1. [S2499] W.S. Appleton, Gatherings Toward a Genealogy of the Coffin Family (Boston; reprinted in 1984 by the Amundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa: David Clapp & Son, 1896). Hereinafter cited as Gatherings Toward a Genealogy of the Coffin Family.

Susanna Barrett1

F, #102793, b. 7 May 1891, d. 9 October 1971
FatherEdward Barrett1
MotherMary Ann Lundrigan1
ChartsDescendants of William Wallace
Last Edited14 Apr 2017
Name Variation Susanna Barrett is also known as Susanne Barrett.2 
Birth*She was born on 7 May 1891 in Tilton, Newfoundland.1 
She was the daughter of Edward Barrett and Mary Ann Lundrigan.1 
Marriage*Susanna Barrett married George Edward Wallace, son of Henry Wallace and Phoebe C. Bernard, in September 1921, in Pointe-du-Chêne, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada.1 
Death*Susanna Barrett died on 9 October 1971, at age 80, in Pointe-du-Chêne, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada.1 
Burial*She was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Shediac, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada, 46.22712,-64.51654.
Inscription: WALLACE / Edward Wallace / 1889 - 1972 / His Wife / Susanne Barrett / 1891 - 1971 / 1927 Ronald 2005.3

Tombstone, Edward Wallace 1887-1972), his wife Susanne Barrett (1891-1971), their son Ronald Wallace (1927-2005). Greenwood Cemetery, Shediac, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada.

Children of Susanna Barrett and George Edward Wallace


  1. [S7671] Pat Allan, Family records, Personal files.
  2. [S9496] Cemetery marker, Greenwood Cemetery, Shediac, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada. Edward Wallace & Susanne Barrett, tombstone inscription; read by David A. Walker, 21 October 2014.
  3. [S11856] Cemetery marker, Greenwood Cemetery, Shediac, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada. Edward Wallace family plot, tombstone inscription & photograph; recorded by David A. Walker, 21 October 2014.
  4. [S7695] Marriage Registration, Robert Francis Allan & Mary Erma Wallace marriage, 24 April 1946, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada. PANB microfilm F20040, Code B4/1946, Number 2155.

Thomas Barrett1

M, #76516
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*Son of Thomas Glascock Barrett and Grace Arrington Wall. 

Family: Thomas Barrett and Bertha Allen Miller


  1. [S1398] , vol.62, Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books, 152 vols., online Ancestry.com. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah, U.S.A.: The Generations Network, Inc.). Hereinafter cited as "Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books."

William Barrett1

M, #91402, b. 1794
MotherJane Stranahan1 b. 25 Dec 1766, d. 9 Mar 1811
Relationship4th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*William Barrett was born in 1794 in Plainfield, Windham County, Connecticut.1 
He was the son of Jane Stranahan.1 


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Elizabeth Barringer1

F, #82599, d. before 1901
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Marriage*Elizabeth Barringer married Ira H Cory, son of Jonathan Cory and Polly Nininger, on 2 January 1831, in Rhode Island.1 
Death*Elizabeth Barringer died before 1901.1 

Children of Elizabeth Barringer and Ira H Cory


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Richard Barroll1

M, #74812
Last Edited12 Dec 2002


  1. [S1521] Richard Wyncoop, Wyncoop Genealogy in the United States of America (New York, U.S.A.: The Knickerbocker Press, 1904), 75. Hereinafter cited as Wyncoop Genealogy.

Martha Barrowclough1

F, #50871, b. 11 April 1828, d. 16 August 1900
Last Edited19 Apr 2017
Note*Martha was married previously to William Beaver Ketcherman, and they separated. It is presumed that Martha's maiden name was Barrowclough. Martha had 2 children with no names by William Ketcherman but both died. 
Birth*Martha Barrowclough was born on 11 April 1828 in Barnesley, Yorkshire, England.1 
(Bride) Marriage*She married Stephen Mahoney, son of Jeremiah Mahoney 3rd and Elinor Beaston Owens, on 5 April 1851 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, U.S.A..1 
BaptismMartha Barrowclough was baptized in May 1863 in Magnolia, Harrison County, Iowa.1 
Death*She died on 16 August 1900, at age 72, in Alva, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S.A..1 
Burial*She was buried in Alva Cemetery North Side, Lot 45, Alva, Crook County, Wyoming, U.S.A..2 

Children of Martha Barrowclough and Stephen Mahoney


  1. [S1003] Collected by Edward Hiram and Evelyn Mae (Nilson) Mahoney, compiler, Mahoney Family Ancestry & History : self published). Hereinafter cited as Mahoney Family Ancestry & History.
  2. [S1133] Hulett Area Senior Citizens, Hulett Area Past & Present (Hulett, Wyoming, U.S.A.: Hulett Area Senior Citizens, ). Hereinafter cited as Hulett Area Past & Present.

Caroline Barrows1

F, #82880
ChartsDescendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Last Edited6 Mar 2011
Marriage*Caroline Barrows married Lawton Owens Corey, son of Jesse Corey and Sarah Collins.1 

Family: Caroline Barrows and Lawton Owens Corey


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Eliza F. Barrus1,2

F, #75565, b. circa 1822, d. 1906
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited13 Mar 2007
Birth*Eliza F. Barrus was born circa 1822 in Rhode Island
Marriage*She married Ezra Eldridge Dyer, son of Samuel Dunn Dyer and Hannah L. Northrup, on 27 June 1847, in Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island.3,2,4 
Death*Eliza F. Barrus died in 1906. 
Burial*She was buried in Dyer Cemetery, North Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island. The remains were later removed to Quidnessett.5 

Children of Eliza F. Barrus and Ezra Eldridge Dyer


  1. [S1363] Liela Morse Wilson, 10 Generations from William & Mary Dyer of Newport, R.I. (Putnam, CT: Privately published, 1949), 20. Hereinafter cited as 10 Generations from William & Mary Dyer of Newport, R.I.
  2. [S1348] William Allan Dyer, By the Name of Dyer, A Genealogical Record, 1940). Hereinafter cited as By the Name of Dyer.
  3. [S1363] Liela Morse Wilson, 10 Generations from William & Mary Dyer of Newport, R.I. (Putnam, CT: Privately published, 1949). Hereinafter cited as 10 Generations from William & Mary Dyer of Newport, R.I.
  4. [S1411] James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850, Births, Marriages & Deaths Vol.5, Washington & Bristol Counties (Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: Narragansett Hist. Pub. Co., 1894), Bristol, p.19. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.
  5. [S1462] Inscription, Section 29.

Gertrude Barry

F, #16258
Last Edited16 Apr 2001
Birth*Gertrude Barry was born in Peterborough, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Sophia Barteaux

F, #20494
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Sophia Barteaux and Frank Balsor

John Elmer Bartels

M, #17426
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Amos Bartlett1

M, #76898
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Marriage*Amos Bartlett married Susan Bartlett, daughter of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries, on 9 June 1851.1 

Family: Amos Bartlett and Susan Bartlett


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Amos Bartlett

M, #77170, b. 17 March 1777
FatherJeremiah Bartlett b. 16 Aug 1741
MotherRebecca Lapham
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*He went to Harmar, Ohio in 1803. 
Birth*Amos Bartlett was born on 17 March 1777 in Harmar, Ohio.1 
He was the son of Jeremiah Bartlett and Rebecca Lapham


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892), 49. Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Amos Bartlett1

M, #77171
FatherZephainiah Bartlett b. a 1762
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Amos Bartlett was the son of Zephainiah Bartlett


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892), 49. Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Ann M. Bartlett1

F, #103408
Last Edited23 Apr 2013

Child of Ann M. Bartlett and Syrenus B. Richardson


  1. [S8273] Fred R. Richardson & Theodosia J. Large, (20 July 1910), Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915, GS Film Number 2315871, Digital Folder Number 4329364, Image Number 00518 Certificate Number 9531. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Marriages.

Anna Bartlett1

F, #76889, b. 1 December 1801, d. after 1880
FatherJeremiah (Twin) Bartlett b. 6 Apr 1775, d. 1813
MotherJerusha Jeffries b. 8 Nov 1776, d. 20 Apr 1868
Relationship5th cousin 5 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*Living in Delaware, Ohio in 1880. 
Birth*Anna Bartlett was born on 1 December 1801 in Harmar, Washington County, Ohio
She was the daughter of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries
Marriage*Anna Bartlett married William P. Olney on 2 September 1830, in Harmar, Washington County, Ohio.1 
Death*Anna Bartlett died after 1880. 

Family: Anna Bartlett and William P. Olney


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Ashley Bartlett1

M, #108727, b. 1941, d. 25 March 1948
FatherGeorge Ashley Bartlett1 b. c 1916, d. 15 Aug 1944
MotherLeah Jean Campbell1
Relationship6th cousin of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of Richard Robins & unknown Peton
Last Edited30 Dec 2017
Birth*Ashley Bartlett was born in 1941.1,2 
He was the son of George Ashley Bartlett and Leah Jean Campbell.1 
Death*Ashley Bartlett died on 25 March 1948, in Crapaud, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada;
Obituary: Drowning Tragedy Claims Life of Crapaud Child

Ashley Bartlett, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Wilson of Crapaud, lost his life by drowning in a millpond on Thursday evening. Though no one saw the accident it is presumed that the little boy coasted into open water in the centre of the pond. The body was recovered Friday morning. It was not decided necessary to hold an inquest.

Several other children had been coasting at the pond earlier in the day. When they went home about 5:00 p.m. the boy stayed. The children had been using sleds and coasting off the bank on to the ice. They steered away from open water in the centre where the current was eating away the ice. When the other children left, the little boy apparently coasted with a toboggan and it is assumed he was unable to steer it away from the open water.

The R.C.M.P. detachment at Borden supervised the search for the body. The boy was an only child. His father is dead and his mother married again. His father is a barber at Crapaud.3
Burial*He was buried in St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Crapaud, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Small heart shaped stone.2 


  1. [S12578] Death Notices, Guardian, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Guardian.
  2. [S12580] Cemetery marker, St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Crapaud, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Ashley Bartlett, photograph & inscription; read by David A. Walker.
  3. [S12579] Drowning Tragedy Claims Life of Crapaud Child, Journal, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Journal.

Bertha Bartlett1

F, #92584
Last Edited1 May 2011
Name Variation Bertha Bartlett is also known as Bertha Bartlett.1 
Marriage*She married Guy Percy Hitchcock, son of John Wesley Hitchcock and Annie Clifford.1 

Family: Bertha Bartlett and Guy Percy Hitchcock


  1. [S2068] Marlene Hitchcock, , Marlene Hitchcock (Aylmer, Québec), downloaded 7 July 2003.

Brinton Bartlett1

M, #79502
Last Edited12 Dec 2002


  1. [S1488] Adin Ballou, Ellaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous in America (Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.: E. L. Freeman & Co., 1888), 453-455. Hereinafter cited as Ellaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous.

Charles Bartlett1

M, #105839, b. circa 1913
FatherWalter Bartlett1 b. c 1888
MotherAnnie Alice Wright1 b. 30 Sep 1891, d. 1933
Relationship5th cousin 1 time removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of Richard Robins & unknown Peton
Last Edited18 Aug 2015
Birth*Charles Bartlett was born circa 1913 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.1 
He was the son of Walter Bartlett and Annie Alice Wright.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdCharles Bartlett was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Walter Bartlett in Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Walter (age 33) were his wife Annie Wright (age 28), their children, Charles (age 8), Ashley (age 5) and James (age 3). Walter was a farmer of his own farm, Charles a student in school.1 


  1. [S10201] 1921 Canada Census, Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Walter Bartlett household #11, digital image of original page, LAC Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Page Number 1. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Eliza B. Bartlett

F, #77329, b. 11 April 1840
FatherLevi Bartlett b. 20 Jul 1805, d. 18 May 1879
MotherMaria Dickey b. 13 Nov 1816, d. 19 Apr 1846
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Eliza B. Bartlett was born on 11 April 1840. 
She was the daughter of Levi Bartlett and Maria Dickey
Marriage*Eliza B. Bartlett married Newell D. Hayward on 24 May 1865. 

Family: Eliza B. Bartlett and Newell D. Hayward

Eliza Jane Bartlett1

F, #87525, b. circa 1863, d. circa 1943
ChartsDescendants of Charlemagne
Descendants of Malcolm III Caenmor
Descendants of William I
Descendants of Humphrey de Bohun
Descendants of John Cory & Agnis Wauker
Descendants of Sir Reginald de Courtenay
Descendants of John Drake & Christiana Billet
Descendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Descendants of Richard le Fort
Descendants of Geoffery de Mandeville & Rohese de Vere
Descendants of Geoffrey IV Plantagenet
Descendants of Thomas Saint Leger
Descendants of William White & Susanna Jackson
Last Edited28 Mar 2003
Birth*Eliza Jane Bartlett was born circa 1863.1 
Marriage*She married Samuel G Corey, son of Gardner Corey and Susannah Burnham, on 13 October 1887.1 
Death*Eliza Jane Bartlett died circa 1943.1 

Family: Eliza Jane Bartlett and Samuel G Corey


  1. [S2043] Cory Family Society. This site contains genealogies of several early Corey/Cory families., online http://www.coryfamsoc.com. Hereinafter cited as Cory Family Society.

Elvira Bartlett1

F, #76884, b. 14 May 1797, d. April 1838
FatherJeremiah (Twin) Bartlett b. 6 Apr 1775, d. 1813
MotherJerusha Jeffries b. 8 Nov 1776, d. 20 Apr 1868
Relationship5th cousin 5 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*Had twelve children. 
Birth*Elvira Bartlett was born on 14 May 1797 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island
She was the daughter of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries
Marriage*Elvira Bartlett married Robert Gibson on 30 January 1817, in Marietta, Washington County, Ohio.1 
Death*Elvira Bartlett died in April 1838, at age 40, in Delaware County, Ohio

Family: Elvira Bartlett and Robert Gibson


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Fearing Bartlett1

M, #76895, b. 22 June 1807, d. 2 June 1825
FatherJeremiah (Twin) Bartlett b. 6 Apr 1775, d. 1813
MotherJerusha Jeffries b. 8 Nov 1776, d. 20 Apr 1868
Relationship5th cousin 5 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Fearing Bartlett was born on 22 June 1807. 
He was the son of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries
Death*Fearing Bartlett died on 2 June 1825, at age 17, in Harmar, Ohio


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

George Ashley Bartlett1

M, #105840, b. circa 1916, d. 15 August 1944
FatherWalter Bartlett2 b. c 1888
MotherAnnie Alice Wright2 b. 30 Sep 1891, d. 1933
Relationship5th cousin 1 time removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of Richard Robins & unknown Peton
Last Edited31 Dec 2017
Name-ComGeorge Ashley Bartlett is commonly known as Ashley Bartlett.2 
Birth*He was born circa 1916 in Prince Edward Island, Canada.2 
He was the son of Walter Bartlett and Annie Alice Wright.2 
Alt-Birth-Date&PlaceAn alternate birth date & place are on 3 June 1918 in Gaspé, Québec, Canada.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdGeorge Ashley Bartlett was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Walter Bartlett in Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Walter (age 33) were his wife Annie Wright (age 28), their children, Charles (age 8), Ashley (age 5) and James (age 3). Walter was a farmer of his own farm, Charles a student in school.2 
(Groom) Marriage*George Ashley Bartlett married Leah Jean Campbell.1 
Milit-Beg*George Ashley Bartlett began military service on 19 June 1940 in Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada; he was in the Canadian Army, North Nova Scotia Highlanders, R.C.I.C.1 
Death*He died on 15 August 1944, in France.3,1
Obituary, George Ashley Bartlett. Charlottetown Guardian.
World War II Book of Remembrance, Page 244. Courtesy of Veterans Affairs Canada.
Burial*He was buried in Bayeux War Cemetery, Calvados, Normandy, France.1 

Child of George Ashley Bartlett and Leah Jean Campbell


  1. [S12577] Military Service - George Ashley Bartlett, The Canadian Virtual War Memorial - Lance Serjeant George Ashley Bartlett (Ottawa, Canada: Veterans Affairs Canada). Hereinafter cited as The Canadian Virtual War Memorial - Lt. Leslie Ambrose Wheeler.
  2. [S10201] 1921 Canada Census, Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Walter Bartlett household #11, digital image of original page, LAC Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Page Number 1. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  3. [S12578] Death Notices, Guardian, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Guardian.

George W. Bartlett

M, #77331, b. 29 August 1841, d. 4 May 1844
FatherLevi Bartlett b. 20 Jul 1805, d. 18 May 1879
MotherMaria Dickey b. 13 Nov 1816, d. 19 Apr 1846
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*George W. Bartlett was born on 29 August 1841. 
He was the son of Levi Bartlett and Maria Dickey
Death*George W. Bartlett died on 4 May 1844, at age 2, in Washington, Ohio

Harriet Bartlett

F, #77324, b. September 1833, d. 28 September 1852
FatherSmith Bartlett b. 22 Mar 1800, d. 18 Nov 1870
MotherMary Willis b. May 1800
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Harriet Bartlett was born in September 1833. 
She was the daughter of Smith Bartlett and Mary Willis
Death*Harriet Bartlett died on 28 September 1852. 

Henry C. Bartlett

M, #77332, b. 21 July 1843
FatherLevi Bartlett b. 20 Jul 1805, d. 18 May 1879
MotherMaria Dickey b. 13 Nov 1816, d. 19 Apr 1846
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Henry C. Bartlett was born on 21 July 1843. 
He was the son of Levi Bartlett and Maria Dickey

James William Bartlett1

M, #105841, b. 4 June 1918
FatherWalter Bartlett1,2 b. c 1888
MotherAnnie Alice Wright1,2 b. 30 Sep 1891, d. 1933
Relationship5th cousin 1 time removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of Richard Robins & unknown Peton
Last Edited18 Aug 2015
Name-ComJames William Bartlett is commonly known as James Bartlett.2 
Birth*He was born on 4 June 1918 in Cape Traverse, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.1,2 
He was the son of Walter Bartlett and Annie Alice Wright.1,2 
BaptismJames William Bartlett was baptized on 15 September 1918 in the United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 46.33786,-63.72143; the officiating clergyman was George N. Somers.1 
(Witness) Census HeadHouseholdHe was enumerated on the census of 1921 in the household of Walter Bartlett in Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Included in the household with Walter (age 33) were his wife Annie Wright (age 28), their children, Charles (age 8), Ashley (age 5) and James (age 3). Walter was a farmer of his own farm, Charles a student in school.2 


  1. [S10202] Baptism Record, United Church Records, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Record Book Number 2, Record Book Page 1, (15 September 1918). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Record.
  2. [S10201] 1921 Canada Census, Searletown, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, of Walter Bartlett household #11, digital image of original page, LAC Reference Number RG 31, Folder Number 104, Page Number 1. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Jane Bartlett

F, #4486, b. 1832
Last Edited23 Jan 2001
Birth*Jane Bartlett was born in 1832 in Tennessee, U.S.A.
Marriage*She married Nimrod Marchbanks, son of Josiah Marchbanks and Mary 'Polly' Bartlett, on 11 May 1850, in Davis County, Iowa, U.S.A.

Children of Jane Bartlett and Nimrod Marchbanks

Jenny Neally Bartlett

F, #28842
Last Edited16 Apr 2001

Child of Jenny Neally Bartlett and Herbert Leroy Grinnell

Jeremiah Bartlett1

M, #76901, b. 20 May 1814, d. 15 October 1814
FatherJeremiah (Twin) Bartlett b. 6 Apr 1775, d. 1813
MotherJerusha Jeffries b. 8 Nov 1776, d. 20 Apr 1868
Relationship5th cousin 5 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Jeremiah Bartlett was born on 20 May 1814. 
He was the son of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries
Death*Jeremiah Bartlett died on 15 October 1814. 


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Jeremiah Bartlett1

M, #76902, b. 16 August 1741
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*Lived in Cumberland, RI, and during the American Revolution hemanufactured cannon at Unity Furnace, Manville, for the use of the colony. 
Birth*Jeremiah Bartlett was born on 16 August 1741. 
Marriage*He married Rebecca Lapham on 25 March 1762, in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island.2 

Children of Jeremiah Bartlett and Rebecca Lapham


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.
  2. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892), 49. Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Jeremiah Bartlett

M, #77163, b. 20 September 1762, d. before 1775
FatherJeremiah Bartlett b. 16 Aug 1741
MotherRebecca Lapham
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Jeremiah Bartlett was born on 20 September 1762 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island.1 
He was the son of Jeremiah Bartlett and Rebecca Lapham
Death*Jeremiah Bartlett died before 1775, in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island.1 


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892), 49. Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett

M, #75364, b. 6 April 1775, d. 1813
FatherJeremiah Bartlett b. 16 Aug 1741
MotherRebecca Lapham
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Note*JEREMIAH BARTLETT5 (Jeremiah4; Jeremiah3; John2; John1) was a twinbrother of Susannah. I am indebted to Dr. J. C. Bartlett, of Marietta,Ohio, a grandson, for the following interesting account of them and theirdescendants. Jeremiah went with his family to Harmar, Ohio, in the fall of 1805, hisbrother, Amos, having preceded him. He bought land of the Ohio Company'ssurvey, about three miles above Harmar, on the left bank of theMuskingum. After building a house, he took his family there in the fallof 1806. In 1813, he bought eighty acres of land, in Wesley township,Washington County, Ohio, near what is now Bartlett Post Office. While atthis place, he was taken sick, but was able to be about the house untilthe day he died in 1813. He was buried in the Harmar burying ground, nearthe center of the plot. He was a strong man, five feet, nine inches high,and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. His wife, Jerusha, was ofmedium size, strong and sprightly. She d. April 20, 1868, at the house ofher son, Levi, whose farm included the land first bought by his father atHarmar, in 1806. She was buried by the side of her husband. 
Birth*Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett was born on 6 April 1775 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island.1 
He was the son of Jeremiah Bartlett and Rebecca Lapham
Marriage*Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett married Jerusha Jeffries, daughter of Caleb Jeffries and Jerusha Dyer, on 22 May 1796, in Rhode Island.1 
Death*Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett died in 1813, in Wesley, Washington County, Ohio.1 
Burial*He was buried in 1813 in Harmar, Washington County, Ohio

Children of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Jeremiah C. Bartlett

M, #77327, b. 23 September 1838
FatherLevi Bartlett b. 20 Jul 1805, d. 18 May 1879
MotherMaria Dickey b. 13 Nov 1816, d. 19 Apr 1846
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Jeremiah C. Bartlett was born on 23 September 1838. 
He was the son of Levi Bartlett and Maria Dickey
Marriage*Jeremiah C. Bartlett married Mary F. Hart on 27 January 1870. 

Family: Jeremiah C. Bartlett and Mary F. Hart

Joel Bartlett

M, #99379
Last Edited5 Mar 2011

Child of Joel Bartlett

John W. Bartlett

M, #77320, b. 10 August 1828
FatherSmith Bartlett b. 22 Mar 1800, d. 18 Nov 1870
MotherMary Willis b. May 1800
Relationship6th cousin 4 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*John W. Bartlett was born on 10 August 1828. 
He was the son of Smith Bartlett and Mary Willis
Marriage*John W. Bartlett married Sarah R. Dailey on 11 November 1851, in Red Bank, New Jersey

Family: John W. Bartlett and Sarah R. Dailey

Levi Bartlett1

M, #75365, b. 26 July 1779
FatherJeremiah Bartlett b. 16 Aug 1741
MotherRebecca Lapham
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Levi Bartlett was born on 26 July 1779 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island.2 
He was the son of Jeremiah Bartlett and Rebecca Lapham
Marriage*Levi Bartlett married Hannah Jeffries, daughter of Caleb Jeffries and Jerusha Dyer, on 28 November 1798.1 

Family: Levi Bartlett and Hannah Jeffries


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.
  2. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892), 49. Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.

Levi Bartlett1

M, #76892, b. 20 July 1805, d. 18 May 1879
FatherJeremiah (Twin) Bartlett b. 6 Apr 1775, d. 1813
MotherJerusha Jeffries b. 8 Nov 1776, d. 20 Apr 1868
Relationship5th cousin 5 times removed of David Arthur Walker
ChartsDescendants of William Dyer & Mary Barrett
Last Edited12 Dec 2002
Birth*Levi Bartlett was born on 20 July 1805 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island
He was the son of Jeremiah (Twin) Bartlett and Jerusha Jeffries
Marriage*Levi Bartlett married Maria Dickey on 26 October 1837.1 
Marriage*Levi Bartlett married Phebe Canfield on 11 November 1851.1 
Death*Levi Bartlett died on 18 May 1879, at age 73, in Washington, Ohio

Children of Levi Bartlett and Maria Dickey

Family: Levi Bartlett and Phebe Canfield


  1. [S1569] Thomas Edward Bartlett, The Bartletts (New Haven, Connecticut: Stafford Printing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as The Bartletts.