- [S2836] Baptismal Record: Elizabeth Jane Cannon, Bedeque United Church Records Records, Baptismal Index (PARO), Record Book 1, Page 7, (1844). Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Record: Elizabeth Jane Cannon.
- [S3740] William Ellis (1843-1908) & Elizabeth Cannon (1844-1904) Marker Inscription; David A. Walker, 20 August 2009.
- [S3910] PEIGS, translator, "Vital Statistics, Volume ML, 1824-1831" ( PARO, (Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada). Hereinafter cited as "Vital Statistics."
- [S4085] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Edith Elizabeth Cannon, United Church , Tryon, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Book 1, p. 147-148.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Edith Elizabeth Cannon.
- [S4086] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Edward Alexander McNevin, United Church , Bideford, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Book 3, p. 6.. Hereinafter cited as Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, P.E.I. - Baptismal Record - Edward Alexander McNevin.
- [S4230] 14 Jan. 1861 Microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Lot 4, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Library & Archives Canada Roll M896-897, Page 2.
- [S6853] Ancestry.ca Family Trees, digital copy of baptism record, Alfred Rayner, (4 January 1840). Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.ca.
- [S6896] Prince Edward Island Baptism Card Index, 1771-1885, Calahan-Condon, Image #1896, St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 50, (Joseph Cannon, 4 November 1878). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, Familysearch.org.
- [S6912] Douglas Knox, "On-line Family Records - Elizabeth Cannon & James Wood" (Ancestry.ca). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Records - Elizabeth Cannon & James Wood."
- [S6913] Certificate of Registration of Death - Elizabeth A. (Wood) Stewart, on-line digital copy of certificate File #049336, PANB Film F18952, Volume 49, Regn 49336 (filed 31 January 1922), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - Elizabeth A. (Wood) Stewart.
- [S6998] Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915, Elizabeth Jane (Cannon) Ellis entry. FamilySearch.org, Volume 94, Page 297, Film Number 2069925, Digital Folder Number 4292340, Image Number 1058.Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915.
- [S6999] 1881 Canada Census, Lot 12, Prince Edward Island, William Ellis household #137, 1881, digital image of census page, Roll C-13162, Page 32, District Number 1, Subdistrict L. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S7000] 1891 Canada Census, Lot 12, Prince Edward Island, William Ellis household #31, 10 April 1891, digital image of census page, Roll T-6383, Page 9, District Number 134, Subdistrict Lot 12. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S7001] 1900 US Census, Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, William Ellis household #380, 11 June 1900, digital image of census page, Roll 667, Page 18A, Enumeration District 988, Family History Library microfilm 1240667. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S7007] 1920 US Census, Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Frederick J. Reck household #25, 17 & 19 January 1920, digital image of census page, Roll T625_719, Page 2A, Enumeration District 489, Image 759. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S7008] 1910 US Census, Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Frederick J. Reck/Wreck household #438, 27 April 1910, digital image of census page, Roll T624_607, Page 21B, Enumeration District 1057, Image 127, Family History Library microfilm 1374620. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S7158] Cemetery Marker, West Devon United Church Cemetery. James Wood & Elizabeth Cannon, inscription; read by David A. Walker, 29 July 2012.
- [S7160] 1881 digital image from microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada Roll C_13162, page 15, family No. 62, James Wood.
- [S7161] On-line Baptism Index, Public Archives & Records Office, Prince Edward Island, United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book #1, Page 31, (8 May 1855, Artemas Wood). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, PARO.
- [S7162] On-line Baptism Index, Public Archives & Records Office, Prince Edward Island, United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book #1, Page 41, (22 February 1853, James Wood). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, PARO.
- [S7163] On-line Baptism Index, Public Archives & Records Office, Prince Edward Island, United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book #1, Page 30, (20 May 1850, Edwin Wood). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, PARO.
- [S7167] On-line Baptism Index, Public Archives & Records Office, Prince Edward Island, United Church, Bedeque, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book #1, Page 30, (20 May 1850, Sophia Wood). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, PARO.
- [S7171] 1861 digital image from microfilm, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Library & Archives Canada Roll M-896-897, page 2, James Wood Sr.
- [S7292] Marriage Register, James Wood & Elizabeth Cannon, James Wood & Elizabeth Cannon marriage, 25 January 1843, in R.G. 19, Vital Statistics, Series 3 Marriage Records, Subseries 3 Marriage Registers, Vol. 2 (1839-1844), Marriage Book 2, 1839-1844, page 293, PARO, Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as R.G. 19, Vital Statistics.
- [S7293] On-line Baptism Index, Public Archives & Records Office, Prince Edward Island, Church of England, Richmond Parish, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book #1, Page 63, (21 December, William Rayner). Hereinafter cited as Baptism Index, PARO.
- [S7294] Elizabeth (Cannon) Rayner, Petition of Elizabeth (Cannon) Rayner to the Probate Court Public Archives & Records Office, Charlottetown, Wood folder, PARO, Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Petition of Elizabeth Rayner.
- [S7414] Baptism Record, Louisa Rayner, Church of England, Richmond Parish, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 131, (18 November 1837). Hereinafter cited as Baptism, Louisa Rayner.
- [S7415] Baptism Record, Edward Rayner/Rainer, Church of England, Richmond Parish, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 131, (4 December 1838). Hereinafter cited as Baptism, Edward Rayner.
- [S7416] Baptism Record, George Rayner/Rainer, Church of England, Richmond Parish, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 85, (13 March 1831). Hereinafter cited as Baptism, George Rayner.
- [S7453] Elaine Howes, "The Descendants of William Ellis & Hannah Tawton" . Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Descendants of William Ellis."
- [S7493] Nathaniel Cannon will (18 November 1822), Will of Nathaniel Cannon, PARO, Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Will.
- [S7515] Nathan H. Mair, "The Cannon Family of Lot 17, Prince Edward Island", January 2011 (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island). . Hereinafter cited as "The Cannon Family of Lot 17."
- [S8326] Death - Edith Cannon, Chignecto Post, Sackville, New Brunswick, 1 December 1887, Daniel Johnson's New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics, Vol. 68, Number 3125. Hereinafter cited as Chignecto Post.
- [S8334] 1920 US Census, Westminster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, of Fletcher Cannon household #322, 7 June 1920, digital copy of original image, NARA Film T625_749, page 13A. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S8335] Merrill H. Wheeler & Edith G. Cannon, (18 September 1913), Massachusetts Marriages 1841-1915, Certificate Number 8291, GS Film Number 2409946, Digital Folder Number 4329371 Image Number 00536. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Marriages.
- [S8336] 1940 US Census, Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts, of Merrill H. Wheeler household #89, 7 June 1920, digital copy of original image, NARA Film T627_1653, page 5A. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S8589] Baptismal Index, PARO, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, St. Peter's Anglican Church, Alberton, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Record Book 1, Page 119, (27 November 1906). Hereinafter cited as PARO Baptismal Index.
- [S9354] Compiled by Ruth (Rayner) Dignan, "Family tree compilation" (Rayner Family File, held at Public Archives & Records Office, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island). . Hereinafter cited as "Family tree."
- [S10028] Cemetery Marker, Larlee Creek Cemetery, Perth-Andover, Victoria County, New Brunswick, Canada. Elmer Roy Cannon, transcription; read by David A. Walker, 24 May 2015.
- [S10517] St. John the Baptist Anglican Cemetery, Crapaud, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Edward Reid Norton & Edith Elizabeth Cannon, marker inscription & photograph; read by David A. WAlker, 19 September 2015.
- [S11616] Massachusetts Birth Records, 1840-1915, Elwell Cannon entry, Birth Record Original Data: Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840-1911, New England Historic Genealogical society, Boston (1 October 1897), Massachusetts Vital Records, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
- [S11617] 1900 U.S. Census, Beverly, Ward 3, Essex County, Massachusetts, household of Lorenzo Cannon, 15 June 1900, digital copy of original document, NARA; Census Place: Beverly, Ward 3, Essex County, Massachusetts; Roll: 640; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 0260; FHL microfilm: 1240640. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., U.S.A..
- [S11620] 1940 U.S. Census, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, household #76 of Elwin Cannon, 13 April 1940, digital copy of original document, NARA; Census Place: Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts; Roll: T627_1578; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 5-48. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., U.S.A..
- [S12585] 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nove Scotia, household of Allen west, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Wakefield, Carleton County, New Brunswick Roll: C_994, Page 12, Line 14. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S12586] 1861 Census of Canada, Harvey, Albert County, New Brunswick, household of Allan West, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Simonds Parish, Carleton County, New Brunswick Roll: C-999. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S12587] 1861 Census of Canada, Harvey, Albert County, New Brunswick, of Allen West household # 34, digital copy of original document, Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa; Census Place: Simonds Parish, Carleton County, New Brunswick Roll: C-10394, Page 9. Library & Archives Canada, Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- [S16503] Cemetery Marker, North Beverly Cemetery, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. George A Jermyn & Eleanor Cannon, tombstone inscription and photograph; documented by Thomas F. Scully (findagrave.com).
- [S16505] Death Record (Obituary), Scott Lee Jermyn entry. U.S. Obituary Collection, 1930-Current. Hereinafter cited as Death Record (Obituary).
- [S16509] Death Record (Obituary), Eleanor E. (Cannon) Jermyn entry. U.S. Obituary Collection, 1930-Current. Hereinafter cited as Death Record (Obituary).
- [S17489] Eleanor E. Cannon & George A. Jermyn, (Married 14 February 1960), New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971, New Hampshire Department of Health, Concord, New Hampshire Record ID: 61836::90591557. Hereinafter cited as New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971.