Caption : 29 July: Reunion 2008 for Descendants of David Walker & Margaret Hetherington. Preparations are under way at the home of Margaret MacDonald. Suzan, Helen (Walker) Cairns and Margaret (Cairns) MacDonald are packng the registration envelopes.
Caption : Helen (Walker) Cairns helps cutting letters for the reunion banner.
Caption : Suzan and Helen, giving the "O.K.".
Caption : North Bedeque United Church, location of the Walker Reunion 2008.
Caption : A collection of flags was hung - U.S.A., Rampant Lion of Scotland, Scottish National flag, Union Jack, Prince Edward Island and Canada.
Caption : One of four stained glass windows, in memory of Artemas G. MacCaull (1872-1951) & Annie Baker his wife (1878-1951), and W.A. Heath Clark (1894-1974) & Mary Lillian Murray his wife (1896-1956).
Caption : In memory of R. Erle MacMurdo (1896-1977) & Amy E. Townsend his wife (1898-1986), and Norman MacMurdo (1895-1991) & Elizabeth Green his wife (1894-1992).
Caption : In memory of Archibald Stavert (1864-1940) & Annie Cairns his wife (1869-1939), and John W. Stavert (1858-1932) & Alberta Cobb his wife (1867-1961).
Caption : In memory of Rev. Ralph B. MacCaull (OCt. 17, 1909 - June 3, 1984) & Selina (Myers) MacCaull (Feb. 22, 1908 - Oct. 23, 1995), and R. Lorne MacCaull (Feb. 29, 1912 - July 3, 1983) & Jean (Callbeck) MacCaull (Sept. 29, 1914 - July 17, 2003).
Caption : 1 August: Let the Reunion begin! This banner was yet another marvelous creation from the mind and hands of Suzan.
Caption : The church hall was used for the genealogy research tables. Books, genealogy binders, maps, photographs and a microfilm reader were provided by attendees of the reunion.
Caption : David is updating his data file with family information brought by Marlene (Walker) McLean of Calgary, Alberta.
Caption : Betty Campbell of Summerside and her uncle, David Hunter of Kensington, peruse the 1880 Meacham Atlas.
Caption : Margaret (Cairns) MacDonald stands by her ancestral photo display.
Caption : There is much enthusiasm at the various displays and resources.
Caption : This year's major embroidery/quilt project. It represents migrations of David's various ancestors. David is providing the layout, while Suzan's creative skills are putting it all together.
Caption : Meanwhile, Andrea and father Peter are practicing for the special reunion service to be held on Sunday.
Caption : Guided tour of North Bedeque Cemetery, enthusiastically guided by David Walker of Travellers Rest (or New Annan, as he prefers).
Caption : There are always stories to be told.
Caption : Ron Walker of Colonsay, Saskatchewan, photographing ancestral Walker tombstones.
Caption : The group who attended the tour at the main entrance.
Caption : A quiet moment at the cemetery.
Caption : Allan & Doreen (Walker) Short, Wally & Lois (Corscadden) Andrews, Bob & Carol (Walker) Cooper.
Caption : Vern & Marlene (Walker) McLean from Calgary; Bob & Carol (Walker) Cooper from Senlac, Saskatchewan; Wally & Lois (Corscadden) Andrews from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Alan & Doreen (Walker) Short from Medstead, Saskatchewan; Heather & Ron Walker from Colonsay, Saskatchewan.
Caption : Suzan & David posing with Ira David Walker descendants.
Caption : David assisting Marilyn (Clay) Adair at the microfilm reader.
Caption : Elizabeth (Whitehead Bowness) & John Walker of Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
Caption : Alex Jamieson and David Walker setting up the painting of the New Annan Mills for viewing and photography.
Caption : The New Annan Mills, ca. 1842, currently owned by Alex Jamieson.
Caption : Ron Walker (Colonsay, SK), John Walker (Summerside, PEI) and David Walker (Travellers Rest, PEI).
Caption : Alex Jamieson (Simsbury, CT) and Elizabeth Walker (Summerside, PEI).
Caption : 2 August: Morning visit to the Kensington Peoples Cemetery.
Caption : Group photo of the tour of Kensington Peoples Cemetery, guided by David Walker (Travellers Rest/New Annan).
Caption : Returning to the genealogy research tables at the North Bedeque United Church hall. From left: Keith Glover, Carlyle Glover, Elaine Glover, Betty Glover, David Walker and Allison MacMurdo.
Caption : Carlyle & Elaine Glover (Colorado Springs, Colorado) and Elizabeth & Keith Glover (Rake, Iowa).
Caption : Alex & Cindi Jamieson (Simbury, Connecticut).
Caption : Marilyn Adair from Ottawa, Ontario, and Elaine Glover from Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Caption : Siblings Edwin Walker and Joan (Walker) Glover.
Caption : Brothers Keith and Carlyle Glover examining a map. Keith's wife, Betty, is in the background.
Caption : Edwin & Pauline (MacCallum) Walker, from Travellers Rest, PEI.
Caption : Saturday night dinner at Gentleman Jim's in Summerside. Shown here are Andrea, Peter, Sarah and Barb Walker, of Travellers Rest.
Caption : David & Shirley (Morrison) Walker of "New Annan"
Caption : Margaret (Cairns) MacDonald, her mother Helen (Walker) Cairns and David Walker.
Caption : Suzan Bouchard & David Walker.
Caption : Edwin & Pauline (MacCallum) Walker
Caption : A mix of cousins and spouses from Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
Caption : A mix of cousins and spouses from Colorado, Iowa and Prince Edward Island.
Caption : Jean Hamilton (left rear), sister of Allison MacMurdo (right rear), Shirley (Morrison) Walker (left front) and David Walker (right front).
Caption : Sarah, Andrea (left), Barb & Peter Walker (right).
Caption : Alex & Cindi Jamieson (left), Pauline & Edwin Walker (right).
Caption : A mix of cousins & spouses from New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Ontario.
Caption : Lois Andrews, Pauline Walker & Edwin Walker (listening).
Caption : David Walker & Bob Cooper sharing a story or two.
Caption : Allan Short & Helen (Walker) Cairns.
Caption : Tyler MacFadzen and Carol Short.
Caption : Pat (Walker), Tyler and Mark MacFadzen, of Douglas, New Brunswick.
Caption : Bob Cooper & David Walker sharing yet another story.
Caption : David Walker is rambling on, while Pauline Walker looks as if she is thinking "My, he tells such stories".
Caption : Ron Walker (2nd from left) showing David Walker his photo album, while Vern & Marlene (Walker) McLean look on.
Caption : 3 August: Erecting the tent in preparation for the picnic on Sunday afternoon.
Caption : Early arrivals for the special reunion service at North Bedeque United Church. Barb (Johnstone) Walker (left), Margaret (Cairns) MacDonald (right).
Caption : Margaret & Leonard MacDonald.
Caption : Pages of the special service, thanks to Pauline Walker. Several descendants of the ancestral Walkers participated in this service. Suzan recorded the entire service on digital video, which will be made available on DVD to anyone wishing to have their own copy. Send your request to
Caption : David Walker of Travellers Rest gave an enlightening presention on The history of North Bedeque United Church, and the connection of the Walkers to that church. Sharon Howatt (daughter of Edwin & Pauline Walker) recited from the Bible. Cindy Black (daughter of Nason & Joan Glover) recited from the Bible.
Caption : Margaret (Cairns) MacDonald recited from the Bible. Andrea Walker sang while her father Peter accompanied her with his guitar. Andrea Walker played a solo version of Oh Danny Boy on penny whistle.
Caption : Pauline Walker & visiting minister Ches Boutilier, who performed a wonderful service with a family theme that was appropriate to the Walker Reunion.
Caption : Let the picnic begin! From left: Stephen Glover, Joan & Michael Glover, Pat (Walker) MacFadzen) and David Walker (sorry, no kilt today - way too breezy).
Caption : Not here for the entire reunion, but were able to join us on Sunday - Shawna Walker and Dale Elston roared in on their Harley from Pennsylvania.
Caption : The stories continue - Marilyn Adair (left) appears to be thinking "No, that's not the way it happened.".
Caption : Even at the picnic you can find a diehard genealogist with her laptop.
Caption : Ah, the eternal counting of the jellybeans. The winner gets to talk to their ancestors for five minutes. Or did the winner get to keep the jar of jellybeans?
Caption : As the name tag says - Peter Walker.
Caption : An overview of many of the picnic activities.
Caption : The Island version of Washers.
Caption : Food, glorious food!
Caption : The game continues - even with a smattering of Island mist.
Caption : Peter Walker and Ron Walker share stories.
Caption : The main food table. No one went hungry.
Caption : Paul Bonner, Manon & daughter Danielle Glover.
Caption : Prizes!! Helen Cairns chooses prize for wearing something purple (my underwear failed to qualify).
Caption : The Winners Table. Peter & Sarah Walker, and Margaret (Walker) Boswall.
Caption : Betty Glover was the winner with the most jewelery.
Caption : Pauline Walker won the prize for her blue footwear.
Caption : Margaret MacDonald won her prize for best tattoo. No, it was biggest something, or worse something - can't remember.
Caption : Heather Walker won for biggest tattoo.
Caption : Bob Elston won the paper towel holder for having come by himself. Edwin Walker suggested he could strap it to his motorcycle seat and then not worry about falling off.
Caption : Suzan won her prize for longest hair.
Caption : All good things come to an end - the tent is being dismantled.
Caption : The party is over, and people head home.
Caption : Margaret MacDonald is holding her ground on something. I think I can hear her say "David, don't argue - you know I'm right!".
Caption : 4 August: The final event for the reunion was a guided tour of the Summerside Peoples Cemetery. Weather had started to deteriorate, although the rain had actually stopped just in time for the visit. Shown here are David Walker (left) and John Walker (right).
Caption : David Walker, Ron Walker, Marlene (Walker) McLean and John Walker at the grave site of Elijah Hyatt Schurman (descendant of William Schurman, Loyalist) and Henriann Walker (daughter of John Walker & Jane Weir).
Caption : Well, who arrived at the cemetery but Peter Walker. He was supposed to take the truck to the garage for servicing, but decided to drop by the cemetery for a visit. His father, David, was expecting to meet Peter at the garage.
Caption : David deduced that Peter got distracted and drove to the cemetery to look for him.
Caption : A pleasant visit to the cemetery, although it was more of a storytelling session, thanks to John Walker. So ends Reunion 2008